
Lilimar – Knight Squad

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) What is it about your role as Sage that really connected you to her? 


A) Sage was a character that was always unapologetically herself. There was absolutely no one that could change her, nor steer her away from her goal of becoming a knight. Over time I was able to really connect my love for acting to her love for protecting her kingdom. It’s always so satisfying getting to play a female character that’s all business, and plays no games, even if there are a few that feel intimidated by her strong persona.


Q) When you first read the scripts for “Knight Squad,” what about the writing really stood out to you?


A) I was mainly interested by my character Sage, and how she was originally written at the time. She was definitely on the more morbid-comedy side and she was a sorceress with a fairy godfather that would always help her with her diabolical plans! There were even times where she would have full conversations with herself and she just seemed like a very funny villain to play.


Q) What’s the thing that keeps you motivated when you feel like giving up or are unmotivated?


A) My family is everything. When I feel like I’m accumulating insecurities, when I’m scared for big changes that are approaching, when I feel like I’m just not doing good enough, I can tell all my worries to my family and they immediately fix me up and encourage me to keep going. They’re my best friends, my guides, and I trust them wholeheartedly. Apart from that, I also like taking time to myself to just write out what I feel. I’m the type of person that keeps a lot of thoughts bottled up so that I can keep a positive character and not bother others, so at one point I like to write out everything I feel, but also write out everything that keeps me happy, and encourages me.


Q) What has it meant to you portraying a strong female lead as Sage and being a role model to younger generations?


A) It means the world to me knowing that there are young children around the world that in some way have felt inspired by me or see me as a role model. It’s surreal to me, that while growing up, there were young girls that felt empowered by the characters I played in the shows they watched. I want to continue to be an inspiration for others of any age and keep working hard to spread a message of positivity, female empowerment and self-care.


Q) What’s something you have done recently that has allowed you to come out of your comfort zone?


A) I’ve recently lost my fear of singing in public! I’ve started singing and participating in jam sessions with all my friends and it’s honestly been so nice to leave that insecurity behind and just let my own voice be heard, too. I’ve also returned to dancing and started training with a few of my stunt friends. It feels empowering to pick up old skills and improve them, as well as trying skills that are completely foreign to me and working hard on them.


Q) What have you taken away from being a part of this series?


A) I’m grateful for all the people I got to meet and work with. Every one of them had an impact on me and/or taught me something valuable that I didn’t know before. I also made a lot of friendships that I know I’ll cherish for a very long time.

Q) What was your favorite moment to film and why?


A) Definitely the two-part episodes from our first season! Those were so fun to shoot, especially because we had these massive fight scenes with like 30+ people and it was an organized type of chaos which was just a blast to be a part of.

Q) What kind of projects going forward are you looking for and what are your dream pursuits?


A) I hope to make my transition from kids’ TV to regular TV and films. I’m working hard to hopefully be on a new project soon, something that can really challenge me and constantly make me feel like I’m improving my skills. I’m excited to see what’s in store for me and what kind of adventures I’ll be going on this year…

Q) You have great comedic timing. Is it something that has come naturally to you or have you had to work at it?


A) Thank you! I’ve always naturally relied on comedy. I think a good sense of humor can make any situation better and I’m glad that my first big projects were comedy and I got to have so much fun these past couple of years while growing up.


Q) You use your platform to promote positivity and engage your followers, why is it important for you to balance both?


A) I’ve always thought that social media itself, is not good nor bad. It’s simply an incredibly versatile tool that we can choose whether to use it in a good or bad way. I chose to use my platform to really connect with those that are kind enough to support me and also put out positive messages can resonate with all sorts of people. I love talking about the importance of self-love, self-care, important topics within our communities, etc.

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