
Meegwun Fairbrother – Burden of Truth

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) I’ve been doing a lot more film making lately. I think I have finally admitted to myself that I am completely in love with movies. So, now I am throwing myself into that side of the biz, too. Co-stared on a short film called The Trapper alongside the talented Jayli Wolf and currently filming season two or Burden of Truth.


Q) Please tell us the premise for the series “Burden of Truth.”

A) The show is about a town called Millwood, where a group of high school girls get sick mysteriously. A lawyer named Joanna (Kristin Kreuk) returns home to uncover the truth about the girls and why her family left town.


Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?

A) Well, as an actor you want any opportunity to do the thing you like doing. It’s a crazy world, you take what you get until something like this comes along. I was asked to put myself on tape, so I did. It turned around quick. I really had no idea what to expect. I just said yes. Now that I know what it is, I can say I am so fortunate to work with some truly great artists on this show every day. The writing, the people, the work. So blessed.


Q) How was your character Owen Beckbie originally described to you?

A) The script suggested a bad guy at first. So, I thought villain. But then he was described as being helpful to the team and then as a partner for one of the leads. It’s TV, things change and can change quickly. So, I think the writers and I were trying to figure out who Owen was together as we went along. I think we really uncovered who he was when he became Luna’s (Star Slade) stepfather. That first scene in the cop car with Star, that was the defining moment for me.


Q) Was there anything you added to him that wasn’t initially scripted for you?

A) I think it was the culture. I grew up with a lot of kookums (grandmothers) so I wanted to make Owen someone that followed his traditions yet still lives in the modern world. It’s a battle that a lot of indigenous people go through. How do we juggle what we feel is right with what is expected of us? We get to see this struggle as he deals with a town caught between the old and new. And we’ll see more of this in Season Two!


Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before working with them on the show?

A) I did not know a single soul. This was a brand new bunch of people for me. It didn’t take long to become a family though. I love going to work every day on this show. Sometimes you take work to pay the bills. Once and awhile you get to work on something one-of-a-kind. That’s “Burden of Truth.” It’s also cool to be on a show where the Irish guy is the minority!


Q) Talk about working with Kristin Kreuk.

A) Kristin has a great sense of humor and is super intelligent. Very practical and a true innovator. She inspires us all. I’ve already learned so much from her as an actor and continue to learn from her as a human being. A true pro and one helluva snacker.


Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming “Burden of Truth?”

A) I love the Luna/Owen scenes. Just such a special place in my heart for that relationship. Also, episode five. From there on out, it’s twists and turns. Enjoy!


Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan feedback you’ll receive to episodes?

A) Yes, of course. Let’s talk! We have the ability to be able to communicate. So, let’s do it!


Q) What do you think it is about the show that will draw viewers to it?

A) It’s special. Good writing. It’s got representation. It’s real. It’s honest. And it’s told simply. Nothing like a good story told well.


Q) We loved seeing you on “Mohawk Girls.” What did you personally take away from working on the series?

A) Never be a Butterhead… ever…. I’m looking at you. You know who you are. Also, pants. Wardrobe gave me jeans to personally take away with me from the series.


Q) You often take on dramatic roles. What is it about this genre that draws you to it?

A) Not sure if it’s been my choice or if it’s what I’m attracted to. I’m a storyteller. I need to tell stories. I’ll tell the story that’s given to me as I create the story I wish to tell… and I probably watch too many dramatic movies:)


Q) You have directed two documentaries and now a short film. What made you want to step behind the camera?

A) I love movies. I love movies. I love movies. Just time to understand the biz from new angles aside from acting. I think it’s important as an artist to continue to grow. My next goal is entrepreneur.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Miigwetch (thank you). Your support is generous, and I am ever thankful for your kindness. May the universe gift and guide you. Hokahey!

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