
Megan Park – Once Upon a Prince

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?

A) Right now I have about five different things going on, it’s a bit of a juggling act. I’m writing a feature film with Warner Brothers, directing two projects this week, acting stuff…It’s fun to be busy!

Q) Please tell us the premise for Once Upon a Prince and about your character Susanna.

A) This movie is about a girl (me) who’s a small town, totally normal girl. She happens to meet this super charming, smart, wonderful guy. They fall in love and then once she’s TOTALLY into him she finds out he’s actually about to become king in his country and this complicates their love story quite a bit. It’s very Meagan/Harry.

Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?

A) The script was just super feel good and sweet, I loved my character. She’s smart, driven, loves people for who they are on the inside and so it was extra fun to see her fall in love with a prince because she’s totally not the type of girl who’s after money or fame. She has a good heart.

Q) Was there anything you added to Susanna that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

Q) Hmm…maybe a bit more humor? The script was already great, but Jonathan [Keltz] and I had such good chemistry from knowing each other for so long that we joked around a bit and added in some banter that I think made the cut.

Q) What did you find challenging about your portrayal?

A) We shot this movie in Canada in the middle of Winter, but it was supposed to be Spring-time so we were in t-shirts and stuff, but it was FREEZING and raining and gale force winds. I’m literally wearing, not joking, about six layers of clothing under all my wardrobe and most of the time an electric vest with a battery pack because it was sooooooo cold.

Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before filming the movie?

A) Yes! Jonathan Keltz and I have known each other since we were teenagers in Canada. I’ve always thought Jonathan was just the kindest person so I was thrilled to reconnect with him and we picked up just where we had left off.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming Once Upon a Prince?

A) We shot in Victoria, BC, Canada and it was just stunningly beautiful, truly one of the most magical places on earth, so it felt fitting to shoot there. For like a week my trailer was parked right next to the ocean and I could sit and watch dolphins out my window. One house we shot at there was a family of seals watching us in the backyard. It was pretty cool.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you excited to see what the fans have to say about the film?

A) Yes! I always love hearing from the fans and I’m so lucky to have so many sweet supporters who send me just the kindest messages on social media.

Q) What do you hope viewers take away from watching the movie?

A) I hope they get lost in the love story and swept up in it. It’s such a fun fantasy, the idea of falling in love with someone because they are a good person then finding out they are royalty and you will become royalty as well. So fun!

Q) What makes being a part of Hallmark films so special to you?

A) Hallmark really values making movies that make people feel good and that’s super important to me. I feel so lucky to have been accepted and supported by Hallmark my entire career. They’ve always given me such amazing opportunities and fun stories to tell AND on top of that they are such genuine, kind, smart people who treat everyone so amazingly well. It’s an amazing place to work.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) I am so genuinely grateful for your support. I see you guys on social media and I just love reading your sweet messages. I hope you guys like the movie and I’m so so so so so so lucky to have your support!!! Sending so much love. xx

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