
Mokita – down

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By: Robert Warren



Q) What makes your new single “down” special to you?

A) I think I just relate to the sentiment of having someone in your life that encourages you and tells you it’s gonna be ok when you’re going through something tough. Everybody needs someone like that in their life.


Q) One thing that makes this single really deep is this raw, authentic, somber touch to it. What made you decide to create this mood for this song?

A) I originally wrote it on an acoustic guitar, but I think once I started playing it on piano I realized I wanted it to be a little more moody and I think having it as this almost piano ballad really made the mood of the song shine through.


Q) What lyrics really connect to you or hit home when singing this song?

A) I think just the simplicity of the chorus lyrics always hit home. “You’re gonna make it out.” I think just that alone is something that I feel like I say to myself a lot.


Q) Written as a love letter to anyone struggling, how do you feel this song can be even more empowering during a time such as COVID-19?

A) I mean you have this weird year as it is with COVID and then you add in mental health issues and people being shut in on top of that and it makes for some really tough times for people. So, I think just knowing that other people are struggling at the same time as you can be helpful in and of itself.


Q) If you were to set the tone, the environment, the setting, where people listen to this, what would you describe as the best setting to listen?

A) I think when I was writing this, I pictured people listening to it in their bedrooms just lying in bed. When people are struggling with depression it can be hard to even get out of your bed, so I think that’s why I pictured people listening to it in their bedrooms.


Q) What was the songwriting process like for “down?”

A) Pretty simple actually. I started singing the melody for that chorus over an acoustic guitar and the lyrics kinda fell out. I had the idea for what I wanted to write it about pretty early on, so most of it was pretty organic.


Q) How does the video play into the message of the song?

A) I just wanted to set a mood with colors and setting to it matched the same emotions I felt in my head when I was creating the song.


Q) How much of a hand do you have when it comes to the production of your music?

A) Everything I’ve put out, so far, I’ve done all the production on myself.


Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?

A) Absolutely. I have a ton of new music I can’t wait to put out.


Q) What do you hope people take away from your music?

A) I just want people to connect with the music. To walk away feeling positively impacted by it.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song?

A) Jon Foreman of Switchfoot is kinda like my idol as far as songwriting goes. So, yeah, he would be up there for me.


Q) What would you like to say to anyone who is supportive of you and your music?

A) Oh man. I would just tell them thanks for everything. I mean my fans and the people who support my music are literally helping me pay my bills and giving me the opportunity to do music as a full-time job.

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