
Mom – Skippy and the Knowledge Hole

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By: Sammi Turano


The episode opens with the ladies at the diner. Beatrice (Lauri Johnson) tells them they have a new menu. Jill (Jaime Pressly) wants to know why they added Craisins to her sunshine salad. Marjorie (Mimi Kennedy) wants to know what happened to the turkey urges and Tammy (Kristen Johnston) is upset because there are only three chicken fingers now. Bonnie (Allison Janney) says that it doesn’t open, preventing her from hiding from Marjorie. Bea says she knew they weren’t ready for it and walks away.
Marjorie invites them to a bonsai exhibit and everyone pretends to have plans. Wendy (Beth Hall) says trees make her sad, Jill is having something done and Tammy says Bonnie is helping her study for the GREs. Marjorie says the girls are cute studying together and she makes them peanut butter celery to snack on while they work. Bonnie says they feed it to the cats.
Christy (Anna Faris) comes in causing Jill to make Bonnie switch seats so her cashmere won’t smell like smoke. Bea offers her a menu and as she predicted Christy freaks out. Christy says she was late due to an accident, but the ladies know she was smoking. Wendy gives her fake lungs to show her the dangers of smoking.
Tammy and Bonnie are studying for the GRE. Tammy, who is tossing around the lungs, wants to know why Bonnie knows this stuff better than she does and Bonnie says they have been studying relentlessly for weeks. Bonnie reminds her she was the smart one as kids, but Tammy says that was before drugs, drinking and roller derby.
Christy comes home and complains about Tammy playing with the lungs from Wendy. She says Wendy keeps sending her stuff to scare her into quitting smoking. Tammy wants to see pictures. Bonnie says it can be her treat if she studies.
Christy sees her Visa bill and freaks out over how much she spent on cigarettes. She quits then and there and even throws out her cigarettes. Tammy says those cigarettes cost two massages and a cornbread muffin in prison.  Bonnie comments on how proud she is of her quitting her disgusting habit. Christy says she is awfully judgy for a woman who snorted coke with a tampon applicator. Bonnie says she was innovative even when she was high.
Tammy says Bonnie should take the GRE. Bonnie comments that if she wanted a diploma she would print one out like she did with her pilot license.
Adam (William Fichtner) comes home and they share the news of Christy quitting smoking and Bonnie possibly taking the GRE. Adam tanks it can open doors for her and Bonnie accuses him of being ashamed of her. He leaves.
Christy goes to take out the trash. Bonnie pours liquid in it to prevent Christy from smoking again.
The ladies are back at the diner. Bea says there is a new salad, but Jill isn’t ready to try it. They discuss Tammy prepping for the GRE and Bonnie thinks they are judging her for not taking it as well. Christy yells at her and Bonnie says that Christy quit smoking.
Marjorie says these next few days will be rough, causing Christy to yell at her as well. Marjorie ignores her and tries to figure out why Bonnie won’t take the GRE. Bonnie says that she fails at tests. Marjorie tells her that she is sober now so she could do better. Bonnie pretends to ignore her and be interested in Wendy. Jill attempts to get a menu but isn’t ready.
It’s GRE day and Bonnie decided to take the test after all. She keeps switching seats and getting distracted while Tammy is thrilled to be taking the test with her.
Christy is still crazy over quitting smoking and ends up in a snit with Jill. Bonnie says Christy is replacing smoking with cookies and to not ask her about it.
Tammy passed her GRE, but Bonnie did not. She pretends she is okay, but takes her anger out on a chair. Christy tries to talk to her,but Bonnie says she doesn’t want pity. She admits she got distracted, but they should celebrate Tammy passing. Tammy isn’t sure about it, but Marjorie says she deserves to celebrate.
Wendy wonders if Bonnie has ADD. She offers to get her tested, but Bonnie gets offended and threatens to put her head in the oven. Christy says it is electric, but she can try.  They go to leave, but not before Christy smells the smokers.
Christy and Bonnie are up and decide Bonnie should take an ADD test. As they are taking it (and preventing Christy from smoking) Adam comes into the room and says she wandered off as things were heating up.
Christy breaks down and smokes, only to be caught by Marjorie. She admits she hates smoking, but Marjorie thinks she will quit or find a way to cope when she is ready.
At the meeting Bonnie says she was officially diagnosed with ADD. She wishes she knew earlier because she could have been saved and had a different kind of life. She also says ADD is the reason why she sleeps and texts during shares.
The episode ends with the ladies trying the new salad. Everyone except Bonnie loves it. She complains to Bea, who says that everything was listed on the menu. Bonnie pulls the ADD card again, causing Christy to say she needs a shirt that says it. She goes out to “feed the meter” or smoke and the ladies give her nicotine gum to curb the habit and cure her crankiness.

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