
Mom – Sparkling Banter and a Falling Steel Town

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By: Sammi Turano



The episode opens with the ladies cleaning up after a meeting. Wendy (Beth Hall) is talking about being a nurse during a transplant on Valentine’s Day and is excited about the big opportunity. Jill (Jaime Pressly) hears that as no date and Bonnie (Allison Janney) was going to say the same thing, but she was lifting a chair.


Christy (Anna Faris) says she has no date and is fine with it. She is surprised Tammy (Kristen Johnston) believes her. Jill has a date with Andy (Will Sasso), the cop, and hopes he can pick her up in a police car. She wants to be able to sit up front for a change.


Christy asks Marjorie (Mimi Kennedy) if she is going to be ok since it is the first one since Victor died. Marjorie has plans to have a date with herself and Bonnie asks how many times she had to ask before she got a yes. Her plans are to watch Notting Hill for the first time and order take out. The ladies quote it and are shocked she never saw it.


Tammy has a date with Yuri, the Uber dude, and says she is going with him on Uber runs and will ride shotgun. Bonnie offers to take Christy on a mother/daughter date.


The Plunkett women are at a swanky place and get mistaken for a lesbian couple. They take advantage of it when they get a free crab cake. Bonnie talks about the best crab cake she ever had— in Madagascar while she was in the Peace Corps. Christy is surprised that she did not know that, and Bonnie says there are a lot of things about her she doesn’t know and begins sharing more. She thinks they should do this more often.


Jill is on her date with Andy, and he asks her if it is okay that he ordered a beer.  She is fine with it because his beer doesn’t sound appealing. She talks about how she used to order martinis with olives and counted the olives as her dinner. He can’t picture her not being together and she says she will share pictures on the third date. He asks her if she has bowling shoes and she is glad for a reason to shop.


Tammy is on her date with Yuri (David Meunier) and they are glad the couple they dropped off gave them five stars and a maximum tip, even after Tammy yelled for them to make good memories and stay out of prison. Yuri has her look under her seat and after finding garbage she sees the rose he put there for her.


Marjorie is enjoying her date by herself when Tammy calls, worried about the fact that Yuri might want to have sex. She wonders if she will be bad at it or he will die. Marjorie tells her if she isn’t ready to just say that to him. Tammy hangs up when Yuri is returning with food.


Wendy also calls Marjorie to check in. Marjorie wishes her luck on handing and Wendy accuses her of minimizing. Marjorie hangs up and tosses the phone across the room to her cat.


At the restaurant Bonnie decides that she and Christy should get fake engaged in order to get a free dessert. Christy says a pretend one might be fun since it might not ever happen. She starts listing reasons and admits she doesn’t think she has ever been in love. She blames Bonnie, who wonders why and gets offended. Christy thinks she is joking, but Bonnie is actually really hurt.


Andy tells Jill the hostess said they are “totally” next and “totally” sorry, but he “totally” doesn’t believe her. As they continue to wait Jill’s friend Vivian from the club (Julie Claire) comes up to say hello. She introduces Andy, who says he only belongs to the club called Costco and goes to check on the table again. Vivian questions why Jill is there with him and she says he is the cop who helped her and denies being on a date with him. Andy overhears and comes back to question her after Vivian leaves. Jill apologizes and says Vivian wouldn’t understand because she is judgy, gossipy and expects her to be with a certain type. Andy drops some money on the table and tells her to tell that man good luck while she enjoys her Diet Coke. As he leaves, the hostess (Michanne Quinney) tells her the table is ready.


Bonnie and Christy are still fighting. Bonnie is taking her anger out on her chicken, which is small and bitter like Christy. Bonnie says she is sick of being the bad guy when she is trying to do something nice. Christy says one dinner isn’t enough to make up for the past and goes to smoke.


Yuri and Tammy are in the car making out when she says she isn’t ready for sex. He says he is fine and will wait forever if he has to. This turns her on and changes her mind. She warns him that it has been seven years and she hopes that his affairs are in order.


Jill is at Marjorie’s crying over what happened. Marjorie thinks she just got scared. Jill says she was happy Vivian stopped gossiping about her and wanted to have lunch, so she panicked. Marjorie reminds her she isn’t as terrible as she used to be.


Bonnie calls Marjorie and as she is complaining about Christy the waiter comes to take their plates. She takes Christy’s steak before the waiter takes the plates. Marjorie tells her to break their cycle. She continues to complain when Christy returns, wondering where her food went. Bonnie says the waiter just took it. She hangs up, pretending she was talking to Adam.


Bonnie decides to take Marjorie’s advice. The two have a nice talk about how Bonnie never taught her about healthy relationships and problems they have had in the past. They apologize, leading to their fake engagement and free dessert.


Jill goes to visit Andy to apologize. However, he isn’t interested in hearing it. He says he knows he is a great catch and wants to be with someone who can see that as well.


The episode ends with everyone at Marjorie’s. She wants them all to shut up so she can finish her movie, but everyone keeps talking about their night. Jill is crying over Andy, Wendy got kicked out of surgery for sneezing and Bonnie tells her that she and Christy are engaged. Wendy gets a text saying the heart is beating from the transplant.


Marjorie tells them all to be quiet when Tammy comes in screaming that she had sex. Everyone is thrilled and Marjorie says forget it and goes to talk to Victor’s urn while Tammy talks about her night.

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