
Nico Romero – Las Chicas Del Cable

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Marga and Pablo’s similarities connect them so sweetly, but it’s their differences that really balance the couple brilliantly but also cause them some strife. Regardless of the bumps that come up in their marriage, they never stop loving one another.  What has solidified their bond so deeply and continued to draw them together?

A) I think despite the bumps they are two wild little animals that have found each other in a dangerous environment and they protect each other. They have learned how to love, how to fight together. Each one helps the other in the way to be who they really are. Each one is the strength of the other one.

Q) “Las Chicas Del Cable” has so many layers interwoven that balances so well with empowerment, poignancy, turmoil, death, despair, etc. Yet there is always an underlying theme of hope even in the darkest of hours. What is it about the series and these themes that can provoke and engage its audience all within such short episode periods of time?

A) I don’t know…I think people like making the “path” with the characters. Feel what they feel. It’s like going to a theme park with rollercoasters. People want to feel. But at the end of the day, we want to be safe. Hope give us that feeling of safe.

Q) Dynamics are constantly evolving in this series with tensions continually feeling so palpable. Between the dialogue, delivery, costumes, and characters what is it about the series that you think continues to captivate and draw viewers in?

A) I hope the characters! It’s true that costumes and relating to the series’ aesthetics nowadays is very important, but I’d like to think what really catches us are the stories, the script and the characters. I hope it will always will be like that.

Q) In season three we got to see a little bit of why Pablo is wound so tightly, because of his past and his brother. Even when he felt his brother was meddling, it ended up pushing Pablo and teaching him a few needed lessons, while turning his world around a little bit as well. What is it about their revolving relationship that takes Pablo out of his comfort zone and allows him to be more vulnerable and show a different side?

A) I built Julio as a part of Pablo. Basically, they are the same person. They have grown in the same environment, probably a difficult one. Both of them have been living in a deep loneliness for a long time, but the way they have chosen to fight against it is the opposite. Pablo has decided to focus on his job and on a quiet and regular life. Meanwhile, Julio prefers a noisy crowd around him. But behind Julio’s smile and his jokes there’s also a lonely guy. That’s why both of them like the same girl, Marga (Nadia de Santiago), who is kind and strong at the same time – maybe a type of person that they have missed in the childhood (a mother). Julio is a mirror to Pablo and vice versa. They can see their light and their darkness in front of them. It is an opportunity for Pablo to learn and leave behind his mask of protection.

Q) Every season we seem to be left with a little bit of a cliffhanger. When we leave the series off at the end of the season we see Marga and Pablo opening up their own accounting firm. Do you think that they’ll be able to learn from their mistakes and create a present that’s less counter-productive and rooted in being more grounded?

A) Of course, that is what they are looking for, to become a strong and mature couple leaving behind those bumps. But, as in real life, sometimes unexpected things happen. The circumstances of the extreme and particular time they will live in the fifth season will condition everything else.

Q) I love the way you play off of Nadia de Santiago, you both have a natural chemistry with your emotional delivery. Can you talk about getting to play off of her and the energy you share together in your portrayals?

A) Nadia and I have been friends for a long time, even before “Las Chicas Del Cable.” I was so happy when she told me she was going to be Marga. We share the same vision, we talk about the scenes, we try to find the underlying information, both of us like to take risks, share ideas and play together. You are nothing without your partner. It is not just about saying the line and dressing in the costumes they give you. That’s so boring and so poor in my opinion. It’s about finding the truth of the scene, but knowing your own truth, the truth of the characters, working basing on their personalities, the growth of them caused by the time and the circumstances they have leave throughout the seasons, the particular moments they are living…Be real. We have built the relationship of Marga and Pablo since the first day, talking, making decisions, trying and also making mistakes…Now that work is done and we only have to listen the characters and play consistantly because they are alive and they make their own decisions. To get that on a set is not always easy. There’s a lot of people working around you that you want you to be aware of a lot of technical things… It’s a challenge. I want find the truth of the scene. And in the middle of the chaos, even if the world goes down, I stare my eyes in the Nadia’s eyes. I find the truth in her eyes. Nothing else matters in that moment.

Q) Although the series is set quite far into the past, so many of the themes continue to be so relevant even today. What do you think it is about them that continue to resonate presently?

A) We think people of that time had another kind of problem and, of course, they did because the particular circumstances change each time, but love, fear and all human feelings will be always behind all of that despite the era and people can connect with that.

Q) What do you hope fans continue to take away from watching the series?

A) I just want them to have fun and enjoy with us until the end.

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