
Robbie Jones – American Dreamer

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?


A) I recently wrapped Season 2 of DC universe “Titans” and before that I was in Fiji filming Fantasy Island.


Q) Please tell us the premise for the film American Dreamer.


A) The premise of the film is: A down on his luck rideshare driver, who makes extra cash chauffeuring a low-level drug dealer around town, finds himself in a serious financial bind and decides to kidnap the dealer’s child.


Q) What made you want to be a part of the movie?


A) I was really drawn to the concept, in how the film has a surface story that could seem very simple and one dimensional, but also how (if done correctly) this film could really make a statement and move the conversation forward surrounding the concept of White Privilege and its effects on disenfranchised minority communities.


Q) How was your character Mazz originally described to you?


A) He was described as a man who, despite his rough demeanor and illegal occupation, is truly, at his core, a devoted father trying to do the best to provide for his family.


Q) Was there anything you added to the role that wasn’t initially scripted for you?


A) Yes. Absolutely.

Q) Talk about working with costar Jim Gaffigan.


A) Jim is a tremendously talented guy. He really brought it every single day; with an exceptional level of work. Awesome guy!


Q) What advice did Derrick Borte offer while shooting that you took to heart?


A) He didn’t offer a lot of advice, but his ability to selflessly collaborate with all of us while creating his vision was amazing! Can’t say enough good things about Derrick!


Q) What were some of your favorite scenes to film?


A) Not sure if I can pick any favorite scenes, but chasing a guy down while trying to shoot him with a huge gun… I’ll just say, that was pretty darn enjoyable.


Q) What is it about the action/thriller genre that continues to draw you to it?


A) It’s not so much the genre as it is the characters and the stories. As an actor, personally it’s all about playing interesting characters.


Q) What do you think it is about American Dreamer that’s going to make it a fast fan favorite thrill ride?




Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the instant fan reaction you’ll receive to the film?


A) Yes. And yes! I can’t wait for people to see it!!


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?


A) I sincerely love and appreciate all of you! Thank you SO MUCH for all of the support. It means the world to me!! Now ….GO SEE AMERICAN DREAMER!

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