Interviews - TV

Shanola Hampton – Suicide Squad

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Q) What are the current projects that you are working on?

A) I have currently been recurring on the new WB series “Related.” Other than that I have been having some general meetings and getting ready for pilot season.

Q) What can you tell us about the premise for “Suicide Squad” and your character? 

A) The premise is a group of very different people who met on-line in a chat room. They all have some deep stuff going on and after a few years of chatting they decide to meet to commit suicide. Sarah is a very strong, educated woman. She calls things as she sees it and usually has statistical facts to back up her very strong points. She is on a mission. She loves to get into the minds of individuals. She loves to push buttons.

Q) What made you want to be a part of this project?

A) Well Adam is like a brother to me, and even before reading the script I knew anything that he wanted to produce would be brilliant! After I read the script and saw what a meaty character Glenn had written, there was no way I could turn down this opportunity. I love the premise it’s something fresh!

Q) How were you originally approached to be in the film?

A) Very simply Adam said I have a part for you. Ever since I have known him he has talked about doing his own production. He said he would have a part for me, but who would of thought someone in Hollywood would actually keep their word. I was really honored.

Q) Why do you think the premise will hook viewers? What is so unique and original about it?

A) I think viewers will be hooked by the desperation of each individual character. People who are completely different, but feel their only answer is to put an end to their lives. Audiences will want to know how each of them got this point of desperation, if they really will do it. It is not about special effects and stunts. Its a simple setting dealing with human emotions, human life.

Q) Why should people take time to donate money to help with the funding of the film? 

A) Because, this film comes from true artists. It is a film that is innovative, its raw. Its a film that will make people think and talk. Thats what artist are here to do. To be a reflection, and this is a reflection of different individuals in their lowest and most vulnerable times. However, there is still some real humor.

Q) What have you been doing to prepare yourself for the role?

A) Mostly just being a real ‘B’ to everyone (just joking). Actually I have been just reflecting on some of the facts Sarah blurts out, really getting a feel for what she is trying to get the others to see. She’s a toughy, but I think I can handle her.

Q) What are some of your passions besides acting?

A) Well I love shopping (sorry another joke). Actually, when I was in graduate school I got the opportunity to teach undergraduates theater and I truly loved it. Hopefully, I will open a performing arts school one day. I guess you can say all of my passions have to do with the arts.

Q) What is your latest obsession? Are you into any particular sport, book, music group or activity?

A) Okay, my true obsession is television. I know it might be hard to believe, but I watch about 50 hours of television a week. Tivo is the greatest invention of all time. I will even watch daytime court shows. It really is an addiction! I just won a portable TV and I put it in my car. This is no joke; I need a step program.

Q) With Thanksgiving around the corner, what are you most thankful for this year?

A) Well, of course my wonderfully supportive family, especially my husband who is beyond amazing. This has been a really blessed year career wise and I am truly grateful. God is continuously opening doors for me!

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