
standards – Fruit Town

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos




Q) How would you best describe your sound?


A) A fruit salad of math rock, prog, punk and chiptune.


Q) What made you decide to get into creating instrumental music and in what ways do you think it is better for your music than adding vocals?


A) I love finding new ways to express myself on the guitar, my favorite instrument, and so I’ve felt that instrumental guitar was the way to go!


Q) Tell us the story behind your latest single “Cherry.”


A) I just wanted to make a song that would make people headbang and mosh around at our shows and guess what- I did it!


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans really enjoy?


A) They love rocking out and having a good time and that’s what the song is all about.


Q) You recently released your new album Fruit Town on July 22nd. What are some themes you explore on it?


A) Different genres and how they mesh with instrumental guitar music. For instance, “Cherry” is more of a hip-hop inspired track, followed by “Snack” which primarily features neo-soul grooves. This mix-up of genre is what I really wanted to highlight on this record, as a way to flex my creative chops!


Q) What has been the reaction from fans that have been able to listen to the album?


A) Overwhelmingly positive. I’m so grateful for this community. [smiles]


Q) Which song was your favorite to write and record and why?


A) Probably “8bit,” which features many 8bit Nintendo inspired instruments and sections. It was a true blend of video game composition and what the band has already been doing for years.


Q) What do you hope fans take away from listening to the latest single “Cherry” and your new album Fruit Town?


A) That we like to have fun and that they should come to one of our shows and have fun with us.


Q) You’re currently on tour this summer. Are there any venues that you are looking forward to playing?


A) We had a blast playing in so many places! Looking forward to Vera Project in Seattle, have heard many amazing things.


Q) Which song is a fan favorite at shows, and which one is your favorite to perform live?


A) “Pineapple” always gets a “wooooo” when I play the intro to it by myself and my favorite to perform has to be “Cloudberry” right now because it’s extremely upbeat and energetic.


Q) Given the chance to collaborate for a new project, who would you like to work with and why?


A) Snail’s House, The 1975 or Chon would be excellent.


Q) What would you like to say to your fans and supporters of your music?


A) I love you and I want to see you at a show!



All Questions Answered By Marcos Mena

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