Stefanie Bloom – 2050
By: Lisa Steinberg
Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?
A) I’m working on a show called “Little Cupid” about a young girl is visited by her father, a special forces soldier that has been MIA for eight years who needs help earning his wings to get to Heaven. No one sees him but our daughter. In order to earn his wings, his assignment from “The Big Guy Upstairs” is to bring soulmates together. It is starring Cody Califiore and Allison Mullaney as my daughter. To be released on amazon.
Q) Please tell us the premise for 2050.
A) The premise of 2050 is about a family man struggling to hold it all together discovers a parlor that offers a solution… sexbots. People find happiness in different ways. What works for one person won’t necessarily work for another. With an open mind-It will leave you wondering for sure
Q) What made you want to be a part of the film?
A) I wanted to be a part of this film because I’ve never done anything in the sci-fi genre. Playing a robot was something I wanted to explore and very enticing to me as an actor
Q) How was your character Sophia originally described to you?
A) Sophia started as a blank canvas for “Michael” to paint his vision of a perfect woman on. She is sexy; she is smart; she is conversational. But most of all, she is open-minded when it comes to sexual experimentation.
Q) Was there anything you added to her that wasn’t initially scripted for you?
A) Playing Sophia has an even deeper level to her “personality.” As a robot, she is programmed to be curious about Michael (David Vaughn). She has an innate interest in wanting to please him and therefore in getting to know him as best as possible. I believe I brought a certain level of playfulness to the character and in the movie Sophia rewards Michael through playful engagement and humor.
Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before working with them on 2050?
A) Yes! I had heard of David Vaughn before working with him. And knowing he is a bicoastal actor I was excited to be able to work alongside of him
Q) Talk about working with costar Dean Cain.
A) Dean Cain is a humble, down to earth actor. My scenes weren’t directly with him, but I have met him and hold such a high regard for.
Q) What advice did director Princeton Holt offer during filming that you took to heart?
A) Princeton is one of a kind. I’ve never worked for someone who was so in tune with an actor and such a fan at the same time. I can think back to the times on set where he would say cut and be the only person who would cheer you on. Not only for me but for the other cast as well.
Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?
A) I had so many memorable moments filming 2050, but the one that stands out the most to me is the parlor scene with David who plays Michael in the film. That was a really important day. That was my audition scene and a really pivotal moment in the film. I feel we both nailed the chemistry you see on screen.
Q) You are a part of social media. Are you excited about the instant fan feedback you’ll receive to the movie?
A) Yes, I’m definitely a part of social media and a bit taken back at the huge response the film has received. I always knew this film would have people talking, but we’ve started a new entity for robotic chaos! [laughs]
Q) You often take on dramatic roles. Is there something about this genre or the characters that draws you to them?
A) I think like most actors you love to feel emotion. Be emotional and transform into character. I love being able to do and try something out of the norm for me and dramatic roles give me that opportunity to express more emotion that I normally would.
Q) Who is a dream costar for you and why?
A) Wow. There are so many. I would love to work with a comedian one day, anyone along the lines of the greats like Adam Sandler, Kevin Hart or Tina Fey.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) I would simply say thank you! I am a true believer to treat others how you want to be treated. So, if you support me, I would support you!
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