Stephen Martines – Chasing Summer
By: Jamie Steinberg
Q) Tell us the story behind your recent single “Chasing Summer.”
A) The demo was presented to me several years back by Jennifer Denmark, co-writer of “Alright” (released last year), and my buddy Keesy Timmer. I immediately knew there was something special. but my connection wasn’t quite there yet. I wanted to “sit with it” and revisit when the time felt right.
As 2020 hit a rather scary roadblock, I replayed the demo maybe a hundred times over. The song immediately took on a much deeper meaning for me as we all, collectively, faced the unknown. “Chasing Summer” was the “warmth” that could inspire “hope” and a brighter outlook. The sun will always reveal itself and our seasons will always change.
Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?
A) Several things really. The drive. The quality of production. Lyrically speaking, we all interpret songs in our way. But this song has much more texture than it appears. On one hand, you may hear love and loss. On another, you may hear the context appreciating the moment. Or, for me, it encapsulates the reality that seasons do change. While in our darkest moments, there is always light at the end of tunnel.
Q) What are some fond memories you have from working on “Chasing Summer?”
A) The most memorable moment was rebuilding the bridge. Although unsure as to how it would piece together, I heard a complete rebuild in my head on the drive to the studio. We went for it and it worked!! I’m grateful to Sam Maul at Shock City Studios for his genius touch and bringing this song to life!
Q) Will this be a standalone single or will a full album or EP be coming in the near future?
A) “Chasing Summer” is a standalone single. It appears to be a singles game right now. I prefer that over releasing a full EP, to be honest. Eventually, that will be the plan but for now getting music out there is crucial. Stay tuned!
Q) How did moving from LA to Nashville have an influence on your music?
A) Nashville was a huge influence, no doubt. More of a confidence crush! [laughs] Seriously though, the talent there is unlike anything you could possibly fathom. The influence? Knowing I wasn’t as good as I may have thought I was. Nashville made me want to be better!
The real influence came in June of 2014 when my little girl was born. It was then I put all the pieces together!
Q) With live shows currently on hold, have you been doing any live streams virtual shows?
A) We have. IG live mainly. We’ve done several other events and look forward to more ahead. I just hope to see everyone back out on the road soon.
Q) You’re also an amazing actor. Do you have any upcoming projects we can see you starring in soon?
A) Thank you for that. I do miss it dearly. However, six years ago I chose to walk away in order to raise my little girl full time. Those are memories you can’t ever have back therefore I have zero regrets.
The first time she ever saw me on TV was “The Vampire Diaries”. To be more specific…the scene where I was torturing Stefan (Paul Wesley). She took several double takes and cried hysterically. Since then and a little more understanding of it all, she has been adamant that I CANNOT play a vampire again. [laughs] But…
We have had numerous conversations now about my potential comeback. There are some irons in the fire, yes. This is my first real attempt at making a return six years later.
Q) What artists have you been listening to lately?
A) Currently on repeat – Frank Sinatra, Elvis, Chris Stapleton, Luke Combs, Elvie Shane, Garth and more.
Q) With concerts currently off, what do you miss most about being on stage?
A) Everything! The energy. The band. THE FANS!
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?
A) Quite simple – THANK YOU! Attitude of gratitude is incredibly important to me. Without those that support not just me but all artists / entertainers, we wouldn’t have a career. Our supporters are our lifeline to whatever success to us individually means. So from me to you – I am beyond grateful. I am eternally humbled. Thank you!
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