
Supergirl – In Search of Lost Time

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By: Paige Zinaman


When the episode kicks off, Lena (Katie McGrath) is standing over an unconscious Sam (Odette Annable) talking to a recorder as she gives a daily update on what her research has found. When she’s about to wake her up, she stops recording and looks to a photo of Sam and Ruby (Emma Tremblay) then back to the hospital bed pleading for it to be Sam when she wakes up.

Game night at the Kara’s (Melissa Benoist) finds Alex (Chyler Leigh), J’onn (David Harewood), Winn (Jeremy Jordan), M’yrnn (Carl Lumbly) and James (Mehcad Brooks) playing a game of Charades as J’onn tells his father what he’s acting out doesn’t count because he’s shapeshifting into it. Kara goes to get more wine and tells J’onn that she’s glad he and his father could make it, noting he is strong. J’onn tells her that he’s doing everything he can to keep his memories and then stops to tell M’yrnn that he cannot use mind reading to win the game. This gets M’yrnn going about how J’onn used to cheat and when he caught him J’onn would blame it on his imaginary friend. Alex gets an alert on her phone as Kara takes it before going everyone stops and watches as she carefully unbuttons her shirt and tells them that she really likes that one.

At the bar, Kara is breaking up a bar fight and gets flung into a game and photo booth before knocking the alien out and bringing her back to the DEO and grabbing the photo strip. J’onn and Kara go to command central and asks Winn and Mon-El (Chris Wood) if they’ve got anything. Mon-El tells them that they are using everything on board their ship to track down Reign and Purity (Krys Marshall), but they’ve come up with nothing. Mon-El tells them that Imra (Amy Jackson) thinks that Reign and Purity are still looking for Pestilence. Mon-El says that Pestilence is going to be the easiest to identify because it’s very biblical stuff. Kara believes they need to be steps ahead and start training, so she tells Mon-El to teach her how to fight like they do in the future.

Lena is watching as Sam begins to wake up. Sam sits up and asks how long she’s been asleep before wondering about Ruby. Lena tells her that Ruby is safe and with her nanny. Lena starts telling her of the findings she’s gotten so far and how her cells are in a stage of morphing. This doesn’t sit too well with Sam who says she doesn’t have time for this and gets up and starts to leave only to be blocked by a force field keeping her within the bed area. She tells Lena to let her out to which Lena tells her she can’t because Sam asked her to help. Meanwhile, Mon-El shows Kara visual of her last fight with Reign, which he uses to teach Kara how Reign fights and how the best way to be a step ahead of her is. Winn comes in telling Mon-El he has fixed his suit much to Mon-El’s excitement. J’onn comes home with lunch to find M’yrnn playing a game. M’yrnn wants J’onn to speak because he knows something is wrong. They talk about the game and how much meaning is behind it and how much it helps him with this memory. J’onn tells him of the psychic they’ve brought in, meaning his ways of keeping his memories from fleeing. M’yrnn says J’onn should have told him and that from now on he’ll be more careful, before playing a joke on J’onn about his imaginary friend.

Lena comes back asking Sam if she’s thought about what she’s said. Sam tells Lena that she gets queasy every time Ruby asks her to kill a spider and that there is no way she could have killed those people. Lena tells her that she doesn’t think its Sam who is doing it, but when Reign takes over Sam loses all control and awareness of anything and that she wouldn’t tell her any of this if she wasn’t sure. Sam gets upset and says that Lena should never asked for her help stating, “You ask an Oncologist and they’ll say cancer. You ask a surgeon and they’ll operate. You ask a Luthor and they’ll say you’re a super villain.” This clearly hits Lena hard as she answers her phone with her assistant telling her that James is in her office. She goes to her office and tells James she wished he would have called first, but he says he tried that for a week. Lena tells him that she’s in the middle of an emergency to which he asks if everything is alright so she gives him a little bit of what is wrong with an employee when James gives her some ways to help the employee.

Mon-El comes in wearing his suit as he and Kara start to train using her cape. J’onn and M’yrnn come in when M’yrnn tells him he must pray when suddenly Winn and Demos (Curtis Lum) start getting into an argument and Kara starts feeling different as she takes out her anger on Mon-El. Winn pulls a gun on Demos as he is being choked and tells him to get off of him. Winn keeps the gun pulled on him until Alex comes in breaking the two up and is suddenly attacking Winn and Demos. Kara comes running in pulling her off him. J’onn comes up putting a shield around them blocking him from a psychic interference. Alex and Kara go to speak to the alien they brought in when Kara tells her she was affected and hit Mon-El. They get to the alien and find her seizing so they alert the med bay that they are bringing her in.

Sam pleads with Lena to let her go home, but Lena won’t let her leave and forces Sam to embrace what she’s done. She shows her images of the people she attacked, including Supergirl, and tells Sam she won’t let her near Ruby knowing she could kill her with her bare hands. In fact, she says she is going to make sure she never sees Ruby again. This causes Sam to get aggressive and starts to change. Alex and Kara confront J’onn about what has been happening, he tells them what M’yrnn has been doing to keep his memories and how the affects could go beyond just aliens. Kara and Alex both share stories about important stuff that happened in their lives. Sam wakes up as a video is played of the events that triggered her Kryptonian side and she finally sees what she is, so Lena drops the shield and goes to her. Lena tells her they will figure it out.

Kara is practicing how to use her cape and feet techniques when Mon-El comes in to talk about her punching him. She apologizes and asks why he wasn’t affected by M’yrnn and he tells her that the Legion ring acts as a shield. He explains they can’t stop if everything between them isn’t settled to which she tells him they are fine and that the World Killers are still out there, so they need to train. J’onn puts M’yrnn in an isolation room and tells him that what he’s doing is affecting other people. Their talks make M’yrnn upset and he starts letting his anger out, affecting Kara. Kara finally lets Mon-El know how angry she is with him about his behavior towards her and others saying, “I gave my heart to a lying jackass.” As she continues, Alex comes in saying for Kara to put a dampener on to block the waves M’yrnn is sending out. M’yrnn gets so mad that his waves sends the system on the frits and opens the ceils containing prisoners. Agents and prisoners alike are fighting as Kara and Mon-El work with Alex and Winn to get dampeners on their people before they hurt themselves. Suddenly, Winn hears his name and an angry Pam from Human Resources comes charging at him. He stuns her and sticks a dampener on her head apologizing. J’onn finally finds M’yrnn as the others continue to fight and Kara finally masters her cape fighting. J’onn tells M’yrnn to look around and see what his mind is causing. J’onn pleads with his father to trust him as Kara stays with M’yrnn and J’onn fights the White Martian. Kara talks to M’yrnn about how she understands how hard it is and that the best thing to do is let go and accept it. Another wave hits and causes Kara’s dampener to fry. J’onn comes back quoting Kara as he tells M’yrnn that “the son becomes the father” and helps his father with an old Martian custom as everything stops and becomes normal once again.

Sam calls Ruby and tells her that she has to stay in the hospital for a little while and that what she has is contagious, so Lena will be checking up on her. Sam tells Lena to not tell her where she takes Ruby because she wants her away from her until she’s cured. M’yrnn requests to speak to everyone and apologizes for what he did to them all because he refused to accept what was wrong with him. Kara and Alex tell J’onn that he protects them all the time and that it was their turn. Kara goes to M’yrnn and J’onn and hugs them. Lena and James have dinner as they discuss the situation between them. Kara and Mon-El talk about what happened, and Kara explains that their relationship was not perfect and that she feels a weight off her shoulders. She’s grateful it happened, but she apologizes for how it came out. Mon-El apologizes for everything that happened to them in the past. They take off flying when they see birds falling dead. Mon-El mutters, “Pestilence.”

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