
Supernatural – Beat the Devil

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By: Stacy Miller



A happy family scene is taking place at the Men of Letters bunker. We See Sam and Dean along with Mary, Jack and Castiel eating and laughing. Castiel (Misha Collins) comments that Dean (Jensen Ackles) couldn’t possibly eat another slice of pizza.  “That’s your seventh piece.” “No it’s not,” Dean corrects. “Castiel’s right I counted,” adds Jack (Alexander Calvert). Mary (Samantha Smith) laughs, recalling how John used to call Dean their little piglet. Sam (Jared Padalecki) offers to help Mary clean up. Sam asks Mary how it was over there (The Apocalypse Earth). “It was hard, but somehow I knew that you and Dean would save us,” Mary answers. Then, Sam wakes up.  It was all a dream.

Rowena (Ruth Connell) gathers up the ingredients for the rift opening spell. Castiel tells them that Gabriel (Richard Speight Jr.) is in Dean’s room getting his archangel grace as he preferred to do that in private.  Rowena reminds that even if they are successful in opening up the rift, they’ll only have a day in which to find and rescue Jack and Mary which seems nearly impossible since they don’t know where they are and the world over there is so vast. Gabriel enters the room with his archangel grace.  “This is what you call a serving?” Rowena asks looking at the tiny portion.  “It will be more than enough to get the job done,” Gabriel assures. But unfortunately he’s wrong because no sooner does the rift opens, it quickly shuts. All eyes look toward Gabriel. “I thought it would be enough,” Gabriel says. Since Gabriel is running a little low and will need time to recharge and they need archangel grace, there is only one way. “We need Lucifer,” Castiel tells the group. Sam doesn’t think teaming up with Lucifer (Mark Pellegrino) is a good idea. “We’ve been down this road before,” Sam reminds. Castiel tells Sam that since they let Lucifer out of the cage, he’s never stopped being their responsibility.

Gabriel defends his angel masculinity after the failed rift spell. Both Gabriel and Rowena begin to notice each other in a sexual way; Rowena commenting in her head on Gabriel’s tiny tush and Gabriel talking about Rowena’s demural and angry body. It looks like they have time to kill while the ‘three amigos’ (Sam, Dean and Castiel) decide on using Lucifer’s grace. How should they spend it?

It’s up to Sam to make the final decision. Although he doesn’t want to, Sam realizes working with Lucifer is their only choice. Sam, Dean and Castiel return to the Men of Letters library, startling Gabriel and Rowena who act like two teenagers caught by their three parents. Rowena awkwardly asks whether they’ve (Sam, Dean and Castiel) come to a decision.  “Sam has a plan,” Dean answers.

Lucifer is getting drunk in Joe’s Town Club bar bitching to the bartender how he’s been unable to sense Jack, who he’s sure as been turned against him. “Jack will come around,” assures the bartender. “Jack…I never told you his name,” Lucifer says, “Who are you buddy?”  The devil realizes that the bartender did something to him when he (Lucifer) can hardly stand. The bartender turns into Gabriel and confesses to slipping his brother a magical roofie strong even to bring down any archangel. “Even me,” Gabriel says. Lucifer tries to escape the bar but ends up at the entrance where he is shocked to see Rowena. “I killed you too,” Lucifer laughs. He tells Gabriel to just put him out of his misery and kill him already.  But Gabriel knocks his brother unconscious. When Lucifer wakes up, he finds himself magically bound at the Men of Letters bunker surrounded by all the people he loves to torture. “I know what this is, you’re planning a trip to save mother Mary and you need my grace,” Lucifer says. “Good guess,” Castiel confirms then slits Lucifer’s throat and extracting into Rowena’s spell bowl. Sam tells Lucifer that they have a lot of work to do in the Apocalypse World but not a lot of time to do it in. So, they need him (Lucifer) to keep the door open. They will keep draining the devil’s grace. “Grace on tap. Sorry bro,” says Gabriel. “And then when we get back, we’re going to kill you,” Sam tells Lucifer. Rowena stays behind to keep an eye on the devil. Sam, Dean, Castiel and Gabriel go through the rift.

They have a rough landing in what used to be Kentucky. Dean remembers that the other Charlie (Felicia Day) told him of a freedom fighter outpost in Dayton.

Lucifer taunts Rowena about being left home while the men go off fighting. Rowena knows what Lucifer is trying to do but won’t let him bait her. In that case, Lucifer obnoxiously sings “Captown Races” over and over and over again.

Castiel asks Gabriel his plans after they find Mary and return home. Gabriel doesn’t know, but at least he has been able to cross a few things off his bucket list like getting revenge and having sex with a three hundred year old redhead. Castiel tells Gabriel about Naomi mentioning how Heaven is running out of angel and they could use Gabriels’s help to make more. Dean notices that Sam seems to have a lighter deposition. Sam says that they’ve worked so hard on trying to get Jack and their mom back and now it’s close. Suddenly, they hear screams. Sam and Dean fight off what they learn from Floyd (Michael Patric) and Maggie (Katherine Evans) two freedom fighters are wild vampires. It seems that when Michael wiped out the humans, he forgot about the monsters. Maggie explains that they were headed to Dayton where Jack and Mary set up an outpost.  Unfortunately, the quickest way is through the tunnels where a hoard of those wild vampires reside. As the safest way to Dayton is the long way, Sam tells the group that they are going through the tunnels; promising to keep them safe.

Back at the Men of Letters bunker when his singing doesn’t work, Lucifer takes a different approach taunting Rowena about how he burned her alive. It works, Rowena loses her temper. She tells Lucifer how happy Jack will be to see his three dads Sam, Dean and Castiel. Lucifer breaks through of his bonds. As he is about to kill her, Rowena uses magic. Unfortunately her magical chant pushes him into the rift. “Ballocks,” Rowena says.

On the Apocalypse Earth, Sam, Dean, Castiel, Gabriel, Floyd and Maggie go through the tunnels. When the group gets attacked by the wild vampires, to Dean’s horror, he watches Sam being bitten and dragged off by two of the wild vampires. “We don’t have time, we can’t save him,” Castiel tells his friend. How can Dean go and leave his brother behind?

Dean walks in a daze as he plays out his brother’s attack in his mind. Meanwhile, we see Sam’s lifeless body lying on a slab in a cave of the wild vampires.

The group arrive in Dayton where Dean’s has a bittersweet reunion with his mother. “How did you even find us? Where’s Sam?” Mary asks but gets her answer when she sees Dean’s eyes well with tears.

Sam wakes up.  He’s shocked to see Lucifer. Once he realizes that Lucifer is real, Sam has a question. “You brought me back, why?” Sam asks. Lucifer explains that he has his reasons.  Lucifer tells Sam how he was going to kill Rowena but she blasted him there. It didn’t matter because he was coming there anyway. Even being drained of his grace, Lucifer was able to eat some of Michael’s angels and resurrect Sam.  He tells Sam that he’s keeping the wild vampires away from him (Sam) until after they finish their conversation.  “What do you want?!” Sam angrily demands.  “I want what you already have. A relationship with my son and you’re going to help me,” Lucifer says, “Look Sam, I’m not asking you to like it or like me. All I ask is for you to acknowledge the truth, that I was the one who lifted you into the light.” Lucifer tells Sam that he’s getting to Jack one way on the other. “The question is whether you’re coming with.” Sam sees the wild vampires in the distance ready to attack and kill him again once Lucifer snaps his fingers.  So, Sammy has a choice” Die or help Lucifer get to Jack and build a relationship with his son.

At the freedom fighters camp in Dayton, Jack learns about Sam “No he can’t be dead. Why didn’t you bring him back?” Jack asks Gabriel. “I’m not strong enough,” the archangel answers. Just then, Sam stumbles into the camp. Dean, Jack, Mary and Castiel are relieved that he is alive. Then, they see Lucifer walk in behind him (Sam). Turning to Jack, Lucifer says “Hello son.” Will Lucifer be able to build a relationship with his son? More importantly, will they escape the Apocalypse Earth?

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