
The Flash – The Flash & The Furious

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By: Malasha Parker



In 2049, Nora (Jessica Parker-Kennedy) is visiting Thawne (Tom Cavanagh). He says that it has been a long time since she visited and she just says that he’s lucky she came back at all. He says that he knows she has questions. She asks about him killing her grandmother and he immediately admits to it. He tells her that a lot of things changed after the events of that night. She mentions how she never knew her father had that kind of hatred inside of him. Thawne explodes saying that he has the same amount in him. When he starts to elaborate on it, he says how he wanted to be The Flash, but when Nora tells him that he will never be The Flash he says he knows and that’s why he did everything he’s done thus far. Nora asks him why he never told her, but he tells her that he thought her mother would have told her. Nora tells him that she no longer trusts him and Thawne tries to persuade her back to his side. She uses Barry’s (Grant Gustin) words against him and tells him that she doesn’t want his help anymore. She speeds off.  


In the present, Iris (Candice Patton) and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) are briefing Barry about what’s going on with Dwyer (Chris Klein). They have CCPD stationed outside of Grace’s room. That means that Dwyer won’t be visiting anytime soon and they’re still not able to track where he is hiding. They can only track it when he’s using the dagger. Nora joins the team bringing in a suit for Barry because they’re going to Cecile’s (Danielle Nicolet) first trial back and he has to testify in court. Iris decides to join them to support Cecile because Joe is still gone. They head to Weather Witch’s trail with Nora making a comment about hoping she gets what she deserves, earning a look from Iris.


Caitlin asks Cisco (Carlos Valdes) if he’s ready to get the leftover shards out of his hand and the two leave to go handle it. Before he goes, Cisco makes a comment about Sherloque having free time, but Sherloque (Tom Cavanagh) whispers about having a mystery that he doesn’t mind solving for free. He goes to do more research on the cryptic writing from when Barry returned from the speedforce.


Inside the courtroom Cecile begins giving her opening statement about Joss (Reina Hardesty) harming the Central City citizens as Weather Witch. Midway through, she turns to look as Joss and begins to feel something. She makes it through her statement, going for a maximum sentence.


Caitlin is removing the remaining shards from Cisco’s hand. Killer Frost uses her powers to suture the cut. Caitlin tells him that it’s getting easier to change between her and Killer Frost. Caitlin states that he will be back to normal once the cut heals, but Cisco says that he’s kind of liked being just Cisco and not being needed as Vibe.


While a man is getting pulled over for being under the influence while driving, a woman walks up and inserts a meta-tech key into the ignition and drives off in his Lamborghini.


Cecile is questioning a witness when Barry gets a notification about the theft. Cecile freaks out because Barry is her lead witness, but Barry tells her that he will be back in thirty minutes. She agrees to let him go. Barry and Nora speed off after the car.


With a heads up on where the car is headed, Nora and Barry make a plan to get the driver and the car. Unfortunately, when Barry goes to grab the driver the car blasts him back and he can’t stop phasing.


Nora flashes them back to S.T.A.R. Labs where they tell tell the team the problem. They tell Barry to phase through the floor into the pipeline cell so that the power dampening will stop him from phasing. After some disconcerting words from Sherloque they get it together and he’s able to stop phasing in the cell. The car caused his body to destabilize because of the use of dark matter and he won’t be able to stop phasing for another twenty-four hours. Barry doesn’t like that because he has to testify for Cecile, but Nora suggests that she can do it for him and goes to the courtroom.


Nora tells Cecile that she can testify because when she officially started as a CSI that Barry got made it so that she could present forensic evidence. They tell her to go check-in and to follow Cecile’s lead. Iris (Candice Patton) tells her not to worry because Nora can handle it, but Cecile’s worried because she’s decided to pursue a lighter sentence. When Nora gets on the stand Cecile tries to lightly question her on the events of that day. However, when the other lawyer starts questioning he, she gets more determined to put Joss in jail. Once things start getting heated, Joss jumps up agreeing with Nora’s accusations and pleads guilty.


Cisco tells Caitlin he found something in his tissue after he got sliced with the dagger. The shards were actually removing the dark matter from his body. Caitlin pieces that together saying they can make a serum to get rid of Cicada’s powers entirely. Cisco then says that they could make a metahuman cure, too. Caitlin pauses and asks if they really need it, but Cisco starts to question her because she used to look for one as well. He thinks that the cure will give everyone a second chance at a normal life, but Caitlin disagrees because not everyone wants to get rid of their powers.


The car thief stops Joss’ transfer to jail with her key and breaks her out of the truck.


The team sees the footage where the car thief took hijacked the truck. Iris realizes that the woman was in the military. They look her up in the database and find that she was an expert at vehicles and dishonorably discharged. Her nickname was Silver Ghost. Iris says that she will see if she can dig up anything from one of her dad’s connections and Nora mentions how they have two thieves to track down. Iris tells her that Cecile doesn’t think Joss is as bad as they originally thought, but Nora thinks it was all an act in the courtroom. She doesn’t believe that the escape was a coincidence and she repeats the line about bad people not changing. She storms out and Barry calls up to ask for some food.


Raya (Gabrielle Walsh) shows Joss her home base. Apparently, it’s their space for young rogues. She says that she needs help with a new job, but Joss wants no parts in it. Raya shows her the blueprints and what they need to grab in order to make them unstoppable. Joss still isn’t on board with the plan and wants to turn herself in. Raya tells her that she’s already a criminal just like her father and the people outside think the same. She leaves her to ponder on that information.


Sherloque brings Barry some food and asks him some information about the language he was writing when he came out of the speedforce. Barry tells him that he doesn’t know much about it, so Sherloque leaves him with some books from the legends.


They get an alert about a hurricane in the middle of Central City and Nora rushes down. When she gets there, Joss tries to tell her that she doesn’t want to run. Nora doesn’t believe her, but lets Joss plead her case. Joss tells Nora that she wants to turn herself in and she needs the support of a hero so they will believe what she says. Iris is receiving papers from a Major when Nora rushes to hand Joss over to the police. Joss protests, but Nora leaves her saying she’s sorry yet she doesn’t trust criminals.


Nora’s in the speed lab when Iris comes in mentioning how her father also runs when something is on his mind. Iris tells her about what she found in Raya’s file. It seems that she was dishonorably discharged because of something that happened and the military used her as a scapegoat. Iris tells Nora that everyone is not as bad as they seem and if she doesn’t believe her she should ask Barry.


Cisco is working on his cure when Killer Frost rushes in and blasts his work with ice. He wants her to realize that a meta-cure could help people, but Killer Frost responds negatively. Cisco thinks that the cure will give him a chance at a real life with a family and it’s the only way that he will get it.


Nora comes to speak to Barry while he’s in the middle of reading his book. Nora asks if he thinks that bad people can really change and Barry tells her about Leonard Snart. She asks him if he really believes that for everyone, even Eobard Thawne. With some hesitation, Barry says that in the future he may change. He tells her that if someone doesn’t believe in these people, who will.

Raya breaks Joss out of her cell telling her that she’s offering her a second chance and hands her the weather staff. Raya takes her to where the power junction is and she uses it to knock out the security. They break into the building, stealing the SAM prototype that A.R.G.U.S. is harboring. Raya gets in the driver’s seat and races from the scene in the car.


The team realizes that they can’t track the car because it’s undetectable through the satellites, but they can track the staff. Nora runs down to the scene with Caitlin. Nora manages to cut them off, but when she tries to reason with Joss we see Raya pass and shoot a missile at Nora. Raya drives off with Killer Frost trying to stop them with an ice wall. Instead of stopping, Raya phases the car through the ice, forcing Cisco to lose the tracking on the staff. Raya also makes the car invisible. Cisco finds a way to get Nora into the car’s communications system and Nora tries to persuade Joss to give her a second chance because she believes her now. Raya tries to run into Nora, but before she can get to her the road starts to ice and Raya loses control of the wheel. When Nora gets to the car, Joss blasts them out of it before they can be captured. Killer Frost walks up and Nora thanks her for icing the road. But, after she denies doing it, Nora realizes that Joss must of had a hand in it afterall.


They’re finally able to get Barry out of the cell without any phasing problems. They still weren’t able to catch Joss though. Nora tells Barry that he was right about Joss and he says that she may have just found her own Leonard Snart. She apologizes to Cecile and they leave in search of Cisco. Barry and Iris look after them as they leave, mentioning how being a parent can be hard sometimes.


Caitlin throws a jacket on Cisco’s head telling him to put it on because it’s cold where they are going. When they get to her dad’s old lab, she mentions how he created a meta gene and Cisco could use his research to help him with the meta cure. She says that now she doesn’t want to stand in his way and if she’s involved they can make some ground rules, like not forcing the cure on anyone.


Nora runs to 2049 to meet with Thawne again. She tells him she doesn’t trust him but she’s willing to give him the chance to change her mind. He tells her it’ll take time that he doesn’t have. He says to let him prove there is and she agrees to do so. She asks him what is next.


Sherloque visits Gideon, but when he asks for Nora’s files he finds out that her entries have been permanently deleted.

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