
The Wrecks – Lone Survivor

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos





Q) How would you best describe your sound? 

A) Good.


Q) Tell us the story behind your newest single “Lone Survivor.” 

A) “Lone Survivor” is a testament to feeling empowered by your independence in the aftermath of a breakup. The energy of this song was swimming through my veins for a few days before writing it, so when the time came for me to get in the booth and write the melody and lyrics, a lot of it came out right away. I think this song is a step in a very natural direction for us, and I’m excited for our fans to hear it.


Q) How much of a hand did you have on the producing and engineering end of “Lone Survivor?” 

A) The was the first time I had a light hand on the production side of the song. I left the bulk of the production up to Westen Weiss and Dillon Deskin. They did a great job with the demo and I didn’t see any see any reason to redo something that already felt good. They’re both such talented producers and put their touch on this record in a very natural way, which allowed me to focus more on the songwriting rather than hyper-focusing on minute production details like usual.


Q) What was your reaction when you listened to the finished product? 

A) I never had that a-ha moment. I listened to the song so many times when I did some additional vocal/production editing and came to the realization that it was done.


Q) With the release of “Lone Survivor,” is there a full-length album in the works and if so when can fans expect it to be released? 

A) An album is certainly in the works for 2022. It’s gonna be good.


Q) Are there any plans for a music video for “Lone Survivor?” 

A) Yes. Yeehaw.


Q) What message do you hope fans take away from “Lone Survivor?” 

A) It’s up to the listener. I try not to direct the listener in any direction specifically. If someone can take something meaningful from the song, that’s great.


Q) As restrictions start to ease, does the band have plans for touring later this year? 

A) Yes. So, keep your eyes peeled. We can’t wait to get back out on the road.


Q) If you could collaborate with anyone on an upcoming project, who would it be and why? 

A) Lizzy McAlpine. I would love to collaborate on the songwriting and production side either for her, The Wrecks or both. I’m really inspired by the music she is putting out and this is me manifesting that collaboration.


Q) Who are you currently listening to? 

A) Lizzy McAlpine, girlhouse, Sam Fender and JAWNY.



All Questions Answered By Nick Anderson

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