
Top 3 TV Moments – August 9 – August 14

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By: Malasha Parker



Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!


Drama: The Chi, “Frunchroom” – A friendly conversation.


A moment that Kiesha (Birgundi Baker) really needed in the aftermath of her kidnapping was her conversation with Emmett (Jacob Latimore). Even though Emmett continually screws up, one thing he is excellent at is being a friend to Kiesha. Their discussion gave Kiesha a nice reprieve from the pain that she was going through. I loved this moment and the shot above of them lying in bed. Emmett came with his problems, but this was the first conversation that Kiesha could stomach and still feel like herself for a little bit. Kiesha’s definitely on a long road through recovery after such a traumatic experience, but I’m glad she has people in her corner to help her through it, even if she’s truly the only one that knows what it feels like to go through that experience.


Comedy/Reality TV: Game On!: A Comedy Crossover Event, “Family Reunion: Remember the Family’s Feud” – A hilarious acting surprise!

The rivalry between M’Dea (Loretta Devine) and Peaches (Luenell) was the highlight of the show, but seeing Luenell made the entire episode a moment! She’s been a comedy hit in so many shows and movies. I loved seeing her in this episode of Game On!. She and Loretta Devine played off of each other so well and they made the event so much fun to watch. I hope Peaches gets to come back soon!


Sci-fi/Fantasy: 3%, “Chapter 01: Moon” – Could it be?

Joana (Vaneza Oliveira) has a conversation where she thinks that her mother could be on the offshore. The moment on the beach is interesting because she tells of how she came to that conclusion. She heard a name being called that wasn’t Joana, but Luana. By the end of the episode Joana comes to a place that might be ready to answer to all those suspicions she had. 

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