
Top 3 TV Moments – March 14 – March 19

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By: Malasha Parker



Each week I’ll be picking the best drama, comedy or reality TV and sci-fi/fantasy moments from the shows of the prior week. They may sometimes be equipped with some of your favorite ships or tear-jerking moments. So, keep reading if you are still not over what happened on your favorite TV show this week!


Drama: Good Girls, “Big Kahuna” – Death becomes us. 


In the final scene Beth (Christina Hendricks) finds out that the body of her old coworker has been found and she passes out. This is the second time that a “dead” body has resurfaced back to the women. This is setting up the stage for the season as more things arise and get complicated on Beth’s end. I am interested to see how she will get out of it this time. It seems like the police are getting closer than before somehow.  



Comedy/Reality TV: Basketball Wives, “Episode 9.6 ” – It’s unresolved, but I’m done.


Shaunie [O’Neal] and Evelyn [Lozada] decided to leave the planned trip with the ladies after Ogom [Chijindu] showed no signs of reconciling with any of them. She continuously said that she was open for discussion, but immediately turned down the other ladies comments. The subject that they are arguing is definitely a difficult one and with everyone being of different skin tones and experiencing different levels of colorism and racism, it definitely makes the conversation heightened. With each episode more people get added into the conversation, like Jackie [Christie] even after being one of the main people trying to help reconcile the situation. 



Sci-fi/Fantasy: The Flash, “Mother” – Iris West-Allen – The Flash’s Lightning Rod


Once again we got to see Iris West-Allen (Candice Patton) show how powerful she is by holding the title as the Lightning Rod of The Flash (Grant Gustin). When it was time for the city to be saved and Iris was finally awake and out of the mirror, she managed to use the lightning rod power in her to not only help Barry get his speed back, but to also stop Eva’s (Efrat Dor) mirror versions from destroying the city. Again it is proven that Barry and Iris are the perfect match and will always be one when they are together. There is no Flash without Iris. 

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