
Tori Anderson – Caught

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) What are the recent projects that you are working on?


A) I am currently working on a NBC show in New York called “Blindspot.” We are nearing the end of the shooting schedule and are set to wrap up the show next month.


Q) How was Ada in “Caught” originally described to you?


A) She was described in the breakdown as “a stowaway hippy in search of purpose.”  It was also very clear that she was more than meets the eye and always looking for her “in” angle.


Q) What made you want to be a part of the series?


A) When I talked to my agent about this show we both agreed that “Caught”was being produced by great talent in the Canadian television world.  Allan Hawco, who is the star, showrunner, executive producer and one of the writers on “Caught” is an icon. He, and the team at Take The Shot Productionstell compelling stories and they tell them extremely well.


What drew me in, besides the people behind the project, was the script.  It is based off the novel Caught by Lisa Moore and the characters she created were so effortlessly adapted from the novel to the series. They were so layered and complex. Every character seemed to be conning one person or another and yet they were all driven and motivated by something totally different. Then those characters were placed in an intelligent, fast paced drama and it just seemed like magic.

Q) What did you find challenging about your portrayal?


A) Ada is cunning and always paying attention. She’s like a chameleon, always shifting and changing depending on her environment. To me, she felt like a slightly different person to every character she met. Learning their cues and how to bait them and lure them in her favor. Playing a character who is so incredibly adaptive made showing the cracks in her veneer challenging because I didn’t want it to come across as another tactic for her manipulation. Those shifts were vitally important to me and I wanted to treat them with integrity. I honestly don’t know if I managed to pulled them off.  They are so quick and I think the audience already doesn’t trust her so those little glimpses of honesty were tricky.


There was also the challenge of wearing a bikini for the entire shoot. I would much rather always be fully clothed, preferably in a parka.  So, being in a bikini with a camera on me was something I had to get used to and get used to really quickly.


Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before you started working together?


A) I was familiar with almost all of them, but I had never worked with any of them before.


Q) What is it about Slaney that draws Ada to him? 


A) He is the mystery man that she isn’t allowed to talk about, he’s unattainable, which naturally just makes her even more curious. When she finally meets Slaney (Allen Hawco), he is the only man in the script that doesn’t tell her how to act or behave.  He lets her simply exist in the world without judgement. I think in a way she sees a piece of herself in him that she’s lost. They form an unexpected bond as two people with tumultuous pasts trying to do the best they can given the circumstances.


Q) What have been some of your most memorable moments from filming this 

season of “Caught?”


A) Ihonestly had the best time shooting this show. So, picking a certain moment is nearly impossible.  I will say this crew was impeccable. Nothing fazed them, they all simply did what had to be done. There was a day we were shooting on an old sailboat in the middle of the Caribbean Sea and within ten minutes the seasickness started to take effect.  Nearly 1/3 of the crew got seasick.  I watched our camera men push on and even hang off the sailboat to get a shot. They were phenomenal. That was one of the several memorable moments with this crew. They were remarkable.


Q) What did you personally take away from your time working on the series?


A) That people from Newfoundland are AMAZING. Honestly, if you’ve never been, go, you won’t regret it.


I was incredibly inspired by Allan Hawco and his work ethic.  He may be a man that never sleeps, honestly. He was always working in some way or another and he still managed to make everyone feel like family.  I also loved working with all of these actors, their professionalism and skill made me feel incredibly proud to be Canadian.  There is a wealth of talent in this country and I felt incredibly lucky to have had a front row ticket to a piece of it.


Q) What do you think it is about “Caught” that has made it a fast fan favorite show?


A) I think the story is gripping one that is of twists and turns you don’t expect. Then, the characters all have such uniquely different backstories. You can see their drive and purpose.  t’s thrilling. Plus, who doesn’t like the 70’s?!


Q) You are a part of social media. Do you enjoy the instant fan feedback you receive to episodes?


A) Yes, absolutely! It’s one of my favorite aspects of social media.  I love hearing peoples’ views and theories.
Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) I was recently on a plane beside a man who was in his 60’s sobbing as he watched a film on his iPad. It reminded me how incredibly powerful this medium can be. That even through a screen there is still human connection. That is pretty flipping cool. I’m so appreciative of the people who support me because it gives me hope that I too can make people feel connected. So, thank you. You encourage me to work harder, never give up and push past limitations. Your support makes me dream bigger and for that, I am eternally grateful.



The season finale of CAUGHT airs tonight (Monday, March 26 at 9 p.m. (9:30 NT)) on CBC, the CBC TV app, and at

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