
Web Series Wednesday – Explaining to an Alien

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By: Spring Marie Cullen



WHAT? Explaining to an Alien


BY: Moving Mind Studio




Explaining to an Alien is exactly what the title suggests – a series where two government agents, Fitzpatrick , (Brandon Calder) and Jones (Ryan George) are assigned to teach extraterrestrial Blorg (Samuel Brisson) about human life. Blorg is eager to learn and wildly curious about basically everything. He often leaves the agents at a loss as to how to describe the nuances and general weirdness of society. You never realize how bizarre the things we do are until you try to explain it to someone who’s clueless on the matter. You also don’t realize it’s nearly impossible to do so without running into more complicated questions.


On paper the idea seems crazy. It’s ridiculous, but it’s also hilarious. Explaining to an Alien is wholly original and grabs your attention immediately. By the end of the first episode Blorg has Fitzpatrick and Jones already questioning their own explanations and even talks them into going on a date with each other because by their logic going to Olive Garden is the only way to know for sure if they’re compatible romantically or not.


Each episode focuses on one topic and usually ends with the agents questioning why we do the things we do, rather than Blorg understanding them. The episodes are short and sweet, making them perfect for binging and definitely leave you wanting more. Simple camera angles and straightforward costumes make the perfectly witty writing the forefront of the series and every gag gets its chance to shine. I can’t decide what was more amusing, Blorg’s never ending questions about our milk consumption or him checking Fitzpatrick’s search history to find “Meryl Streep nude” and assuming that was her entire name.


Going into the series I wasn’t expecting it to be as funny as it was, but I couldn’t stop smiling the entire time. The jokes are there, the pacing is spot on and the acting is on point as each member of the cast is committed to their roles so completely and taking the content seriously instead of trying to play it for laughs is part of what made it so entertaining. Fans of comedy, especially sketch comedy or stand up, are sure to get a kick out of this one.



WHERE CAN I WATCH? Episodes and can be found on YouTube.



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