
Dorian Giordano – World’s Best

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By: Lisa Steinberg



Q) Please tell us the premise for the movie World’s Best.


A) World’s Best is a rap musical comedy. It’s about connection and family. It’s about finding ourselves and believing in our ability to achieve our dreams. It’s a coming-of-age story about a young kid named Prem (Manny Magnus) who yearns to connect with his deceased father but at the same time tries to connect to himself and figure out who he wants to be.


Q) How was your character Gabe originally described to you?


A) Gabe was originally described to me as a cool easy-going 16-year-old who has been through a lot in life but is chill and doesn’t get too worked up about anything.


Q) Was there anything you added to Gabe that wasn’t in the initial breakdown?


A) I have a tendency to bring a bit of comedy and quirkiness to roles since I myself am kinda funny and quirky. In the closing credits of World’s Best you can see what I did lol


Q) What was it about the role or the film that made you want to be a part of it?


A) Well, firstly ” Disney.” It’s every actor’s dream to be part of the Disney family, so I feel very fortunate to both Disney and Utkarsh [Ambudkar] for giving me the opportunity. Then, I found out it was a rap musical, and I was hooked!! It was such a cool idea that had not been done before so I was pretty excited.


Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars before sharing scenes with them on the movie?


A) No, I had no idea who else was going to be in the cast!! I can say I’m so happy I was able to meet and work with such an incredibly talented and awesome cast and crew.


Q) I have to ask, with Utkarsh Ambudkar being so musically gifted, did any battles break out on set?


A) Utkarsh is so funny and talented. I know between him and Manny there were definitely some cool musical moments going down. He was so invested and really made everyone feel like family. He is pretty famous and well-known and yet he is so humble and down to earth.


Q) Did your musical talents with the guitar come in handy while filming by chance?


A) Well, I didn’t get to play guitar, but I did get to beatbox a bit so that was pretty sick for sure.


Q) I am sure the mood was plenty light on set behind the scenes. Did anyone have trouble keeping it together while filming some of the more comedic scenes?


A) It was pretty funny, especially since most of the actors are comedic. I remember Manny, myself and Kayla [Njeri] had a few funny moments. I probably had the hardest time keeping it together and Max [Malas] was hilarious. He always had everyone laughing.


Q) What were some of your favorite scenes to film or memorable moments from shooting?


A) Oh, that’s a hard one!! I literally enjoyed all the scenes so much. All of us in the cast would just stay and watch each other’s scenes because it was such good writing and we were all so invested in the story. We all wanted to know what was going to happen to Prem?!? Normally when you’re not on set you go to your trailer but we all just stayed and watched!!


Q) What do you think it is about World’s Best that you think will make it a fast fan favorite family comedy?


A) Well, firstly the writing is so fresh and honest and real that it is so relatable to many kids and families. Coming of age stories are a soft spot for everyone because we have all been there and remember trying to navigate that passage from tween to teen. Secondly, representation is so important, and this movie connects with all ages, races and cultures. It was incredible to see a South Asian family at the forefront of a Disney movie. The Rap-Musical aspect also is something that is very current. My whole Spotify playlist is Rap, so that’s really cool. And when you have the producer of Hamilton on board you know it’s going to be good! It’s fresh, new and it’s a movie kids and their parents can watch together and enjoy.


Q) What are the other projects that you have been busy working on? Any BMX competitions coming up?


A) I have a couple of things coming up. I play the role of Aydo in Netflix’s Avatar: The Last Airbender coming out in 2024 as well as the role of Chad in Eli Roth’s upcoming horror film Thanksgiving coming in November and, currently, I’m in Montana filming an amazing film. It’s another coming-of-age story about skateboarding and life and searching and discovering. I’m really excited about it. I’m currently taking a break from competing because it’s hard to compete and film, but I’m still riding just not competing at the moment.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who are fans and supporters of the work you do – whether on screen or on your bike?


A) To my fans – Wow, I don’t know if I have that many outside of my mom and my sister but just thanks for watching and supporting. I really hope you enjoy World’s Best and my upcoming projects. Thanks so much again.




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