
Erin Kirby – Half in Love

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By: Robert Warren



Q) In your new single “Half in Love” you talk about being in love with someone, but still have feelings for your ex. Why do you think this is a dangerous area to get into?


A) I believe that if you are in a relationship but your whole heart does not belong to the person that you are with then this can create problems along the way. This could tempt you to cheat or talk with your ex. This can create an unfair situation for you and your current significant other.


Q) You describe in this song, an ex’s love as something that is haunting, why do you see it that way? 


A) If you still feel something for an ex who messes with your head while you are in a relationship it’s almost like a ghost floating over something that you should be happy about. When you are in a relationship you should be happy, but if someone is dragging you down it is almost as if they are haunting what you have.


Q) How do you recommend people get over their ex, in this half love situation, to where they can’t fully commit to whoever they want to love?


A) I would say sit down, look at your heart and see what you have. Do you have someone that is willing to wait for you to be ready or not? Are you overthinking the situation? Maybe even talk it over with your partner. Relationships are built on trust and honesty.


Q) What are the most powerful lyrics you sing in this song that resonate with you?


A) “I can’t give my whole heart to you, when somebody has the other piece of me.”


Q) When listening to this song there is something that flows, this song is guided by your beautiful voice that takes the listener on a journey, you must feel like a storyteller in this way. What is your songwriting process?


A) Thank you so much!  I had a great time writing this song. The writing process for “Half in Love” was super effortless. I flew into Rhode Island in the morning to work with two fellow artists called Jake&Zac. We started off with some basic chords and immediately ran into a concept and lyrics.


Q) When singing such intense music, how do you shake off a long day in the studio?


A) After I am finished in the studio I am in a creative mood. Something I love to do is find a random playlist of Spotify, click shuffle and find some new music to add to my playlist.


Q) What do you hope people take away from “Half in Love?”


A) When people listen to “Half in Love” I hope they understand that it is okay to b afraid to commit. You are not alone and your feelings are important. Find someone that cares and that will listen when you are afraid.


Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) I normally try to be there for as much as I can. I want to be involved in the direction my song goes towards.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Ed Sheeran


Q) You have something special here, a creation people can connect to, what is most rewarding about creating music that people can cling to and feel within themselves? 


A) One time someone sent me a DM that made me realize why I do what I do and why God gave me the talent He did. This young boy told me that he was about to commit suicide and that he decided to turn on a random playlist. At the time he did not believe in God and he said that he was in a very dark place. He told me that all of the sudden one of my songs came on and my voice touched him. He pulled up my profile of Instagram and saw that I am very big into my music and in my faith. He said that he found God through my page and because of my music his entire life has changed. He now has a healthy relationship with his family and tries to always think positive. When I hear things like that it helps me realize that God put me here for a reason and that everyone has a special purpose in their life.


Q) You’re empowering through what you do as an artist, connecting to people through music, what advice would you have for other women wanting to get into the music industry? 


A) GO FOR IT! It may sound cheesy, but do what you love no matter what anyone else says. I was told for years to wait and to never go into music, but I didn’t listen and now I get to do what I love every day.


Q) What would you like to say to the fans that follow you, listen to you and enjoy your music consistently?


A) Thank you SO much for all of your support. I would not be doing this without you. Please follow your dreams and always live big.

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