
Ghosts – Halloween 2: The Ghost of Hetty’s Past

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



After the incident with the tree, Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) stumbles upon June (Carolyn Taylor) and Ally’s (Punkie Johnson) table at the local farmer’s market. Eager to put the incident behind him, Jay asks for some brussel sprouts and asks June and Ally about their Halloween plans. Unbeknownst to Jay, June and Ally were invited to Liam Neeson’s Halloween party. Being told the party is invitation only and not wanting to be upstaged, Jay invites June and Ally to Woodstone for their Halloween party. Randy (Darrin Baker) the pickle guy, whose table is right next to June and Ally’s table, decides to invite himself to the party as well. 


Back at Woodstone, Jay explains to Sam (Rose McIver) how they need to throw a party as he is eager to befriend June and Ally. Trevor (Asher Grodman) tries to warn Sam and Jay that last-minute parties always backfire, but the rest of the ghosts are up for a party and some fun. Isaac (Brandon Scott Jones) asks if he can invite Nigel (John Hartman) and Jay says that all ghosts are invited. This makes Isaac excited and nervous, especially when he is still trying to determine how to label their relationship. 


As Trevor predicted, the party is a complete bust with Sam, Jay, June, Ally, Randy, and Mark (Tristan D. Lalla) as the only living guests. June eyes a feather duster and asks Jay if she can use it for the party later as she is dressed up as Ruth Maider Ginsburg for Halloween. Jay agrees to give her the duster and even tries to offer a stuffed raven. Meanwhile, Nigel tells Isaac how happy he is to be at the party. However, Randy ruins the moment by walking through Isaac and releasing Isaac’s odious stench into the air. As Isaac hears Nigel ask where the odor came from, Isaac pins the smell on Pete (Richie Moriarity) and gives him the moniker “Stinky Pete.” 


In the kitchen, Sam and Jay try to figure out how to liven up the party and Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) suggests having a séance. Sam and Jay love the idea and Jay says that the ghosts can utilize their powers to liven things up for the guests. But as the séance is occurring, Sam and the ghosts can see the chaos around them while the room remains silent. With flashes of light and a beam from heaven, a new ghost appears: Hetty’s old maid and Elias’s mistress, Molly (Hannah Rose May). And Hetty is not the least bit happy about it. 


The party disperses for the living while Sam and the ghosts are in the kitchen trying to figure out the new Molly situation. Trevor and Sasappis (Román Zaragoza) are clearly excited for an attractive young-looking ghost to join the ranks, but Hetty and even Molly herself want to have the situation rectified and Molly returned to heaven. Jay enters and is upset with the turn of events, but excited when Sam explains how Molly was summoned from that séance. He also suggests that they do a reverse séance to send Molly back. 


However, when Sam and Jay attempt to do the reverse séance, nothing seems to happen. Flower (Sheila Carrasco) notices that Molly is holding the feather duster that Jay gave to June earlier, and everyone realizes that they need that feather duster back in the house before midnight to complete the ritual and return Molly to heaven. While Jay wonders how they will find Liam Neeson’s party to get the duster back from June, Randy walks in the room and offers to get Jay to the party in exchange for a ride there.  


As Nigel and Isaac enjoy their date, Pete enters the room and Nigel immediately breaks into “Stinky Pete” jokes. While Pete reluctantly continues the charade, he then pulls Isaac aside and urges him to tell Nigel the truth. Isaac is reluctant, afraid that Nigel will not accept his smelly ghost trick.  


Sam tries to urge Hetty to speak to Molly and make peace with her. As Hetty refuses and walks off, Sam, Alberta (Danielle Pinnock), and Flower try to figure out how to try and get them to talk. With the ghosts able to walk through the walls, Sam realizes that they cannot walk through the vault and the tree hatch a plan. Sam lures Hetty into the vault where Molly is waiting, encouraging the women to work on their issues. Unfortunately, Flower decides to start the intervention too soon and closes the vault door with Sam still inside. Hetty tries to open the door, but it is no use: Sam is stuck inside the vault and with Jay on the search for the duster, there is no help coming. In the vault, Hetty and Molly are still at odds and refusing to budge. Molly notices Elias’s body is in the vault and the women begin to wonder how long it took for him to die.  


The ghosts continue to try and figure out how they will tell Jay about Sam’s plight while Jay finally finds the party and locates June and Ally. As Jay asks for the duster back and estranges his relationship further with June and Ally, he is eager to return to Woodstone and put the night behind him.  


When Hetty starts to make remarks about how Molly slept with Elias, Molly tells Hetty that the only reason she did was because Elias threatened her very livelihood if she didn’t. Sam explains to Hetty that Molly had no choice in her tryst with Elias as he held all the power. Molly apologizes because she believed that Hetty loved her husband, but even Hetty shares how she never loved Elias either and their marriage was over a land deal. The two manage to find common ground and their quarrel is resolved. 


Jay returns to Woodstone looking for Sam and the ghosts immediately kick into high gear with their powers. Thorfinn (Devan Chandler Long) makes the lights flicker, encouraging Jay to head towards the bathroom. Once in the bathroom, Jay remembers that Trevor can use his finger to write something in the mirror if he fogs it up. When the mirror is properly fogged, Trevor gets to work writing but instead writes “Sam Safe” on the mirror. Thinking that Sam is okay, Jay leaves the bathroom, and the ghosts are running out of time. Finally deciding to show Nigel his true self, Isaac walks through Jay and gets him back to the bathroom in time to see “Sam in Safe” on the mirror. Finally getting Sam is stuck in the vault, Jay gets there just in time to rescue her.  


Preparing to do the reverse séance, Nigel is upset that Isaac didn’t feel he could be honest with him. It is there Nigel establishes that Isaac is his date and even mentions how he also has his own quirks with webbed feet. Isaac doesn’t believe him and laughs, causing Nigel to laugh off his deformity. Before Molly returns, Hetty tells her how she has come to appreciate her. When Sam and Jay begin to send Molly back and she starts to ascend, Hetty has a moment of weakness and begs to go with her. Unfortunately for Hetty, Molly goes up and she is still stuck at Woodstone with no hope of leaving. As the ghosts look offended, Hetty tells them to get over it.  

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