
Ghosts – Isaac’s Book

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By: Jennifer Vintzileos



With Isaac’s (Brandon Scott Jones) book completed, Sam (Rose McIver) is now tasked with the biggest hurdle of all: finding someone to publish it. As Sam now pitches Isaac’s book to publisher Terry (Ali Badshah) from Gold Diamond Press, the outcome looks bleak. Meanwhile, Isaac, Sasappis (Román Zaragoza), and Alberta (Danielle Pinnock) listen in on the conversation. Terry reluctantly agrees to discuss the prospect of Isaac’s story with his team and the call ends. Alberta and Sasappis sense rejection on the horizon, but Isaac remains hopeful. 


Later, Sam returns to Woodstone after procuring a Jason Momoa-less magazine for Alberta, with The Rock as a potential oogle-worthy substitute. As Alberta considers The Rock as a stand-in, Sam then presents a suggestive remark with honeydew melons to appeal to Trevor’s (Asher Grodman) love of innuendos. However, the innuendo is met with silence, not very Trevor-like. When Sam and Alberta leave the room, Hetty (Rebecca Wisocky) confronts Trevor and reminds him that they cannot let anyone know about their little dalliance. 


At the front desk, Jay (Utkarsh Ambudkar) is still adjusting without the assistance of Freddie when a blast from Sam’s past gets ready to check into Woodstone: a former journalism colleague named Isabel (Ilana Becker). While Pete (Richie Moriarty) feels that this is a sweet reunion, Isabel’s own back-handed remarks towards Sam’s life path and bragging about her own career suggests otherwise. With Isabel’s husband Soren (Flula Borg) en route to Woodstone the following day to give Isabel some time to work on an article, Sam tries to play hostess by suggesting possibly having dinner together….which gives Isabel one more chance to take a dig at Sam’s career.  


During TV time Thorfinn (Devan Chandler Long), Flower (Sheila Carrasco) and Alberta are watching one of their favorite shows when it is left on a cliffhanger. Angered by not knowing the result, Thorfinn uses his powers of electricity to short-circuit the television and turn it off. Alberta leaves the room in a huff after calling Thorfinn a psychopath, but Flower decides to address Thorfinn’s anger issues head on as they are dating. Since Flower is more about calm than chaos, she asks Thorfinn to tone down the anger or else their relationship may be in jeopardy. While Thorfinn is reluctant, he eventually agrees to try to tone down his anger. 


Meanwhile, Isabel has kept Sam and Jay busy with room service and laundry as she toils away in her room writing her article. As Jay talks about his hatred of busy bragging, Sam receives a text that Terry is passing on Isaac’s book. Jay tries to coach Sam on how to break the bad news to Isaac while trashing Isabel, giving Sam some sort of comfort. But Jay’s advice is for nothing as Sam cannot break the bad news to Isaac and instead tells him that Terry wants to publish Isaac’s book. Isaac is excited by the news, as is Nigel (John Hartman) who is with him as Sam shares the good news. 


Later, Sam and Isaac share the news of Isaac’s book with the rest of the ghosts. While Isaac gets braggy and starts to let the idea of fame go to his head, Sam tries not to let her own distress over lying to the ghosts show. Trevor manages to get in a sexual innuendo over Sam posing in a bikini for her author photo, but not even that causes much of a reaction. When Jay enters the room, Sam manages to convince Jay to go along with the lie.  


To get help with his anger, Thorfinn enlists the help of Pete. Deciding to teach his “take it” method to Thorfinn, Pete explains how instead of projecting anger….he should learn how to take in what others say to him and not let it affect him. Equating that method to being a “doormat”, Thorfinn agrees to try things Pete’s way to keep Flower happy. 


Outside of the Woodstone boundaries, Sam and Jay can talk about Sam’s lie to Isaac about the book. Jay feels that Sam should have been honest with Isaac, but Sam feels that the lie is harmless and that giving Isaac a win would be the best thing. Reluctantly going along with Sam’s plan, Jay then suggests going to Starbucks to which Sam says she can’t go there as it is built on the site of a former hospital for the criminally insane. Instead, they head to Daisy’s coffee. 


Ready to show off a reformed Thorfinn, Pete gathers Flower, Sasappis, and Alberta to witness the event. Sasappis and Alberta takes some hard digs at Thorfinn by mentioning watching his favorite show without him to insulting his love of cod. As the anger builds, Thorfinn manages to keep his feelings at bay with the “take it” method that Pete taught him. After showing restraint, the group seems impressed. But before Thorfinn can celebrate his transformation, Isabel’s husband Soren has finally arrived at Woodstone! Jay greets Soren and quickly the group learns that Soren is a Dane….a group that Thorfinn has despised for generations. With Soren heading upstairs to his wife, Thorfinn will now face the challenge of a Dane within the walls of Woodstone. 


Later, Sam and Jay sit down to dinner with Isabel and Soren….Isaac sitting at the head of the table while the other ghosts look on. Jay engages Soren in talk about Denmark and then mentions how him and Sam visited Norway. With Thorfinn being from Norway, Soren goes into a bash-fest over Norway and praises Denmark. Thorfinn keeps his cool for a little while, but eventually loses his temper and snaps. Realizing he was not able to keep his temper in check in front of Flower, Thorfinn leaves the room.  


While dinner progresses, Isabel asks Sam about the book she is getting published. Sam is confused but realizes that the ghosts had Trevor write a post about Isaac’s book on Sam’s social media to celebrate. Sam and Jay later talk off the Woodstone premises about the consequences of continuing the lie, yet Sam is basking in the praise over her fake accomplishment. Jay still believes that the truth needs to be told, but Sam is too busy thanking her old English teacher online for the congratulatory comments.  


Pete tries to console Thorfinn as Flower enters the room. While Thorfinn is sorry that he couldn’t contain his rage, Flower tells Thorfinn that he should just be himself rather than try to be like her. Additionally, Flower realized that Thorfinn acting like Pete was more of a turn-off and that the anger was more alluring. While Pete is a bit offended, he tries to just let it go. 


In the parlor, Sam is relishing the accolades she is now receiving from Isabel and Soren for her book. However, that praise is short-lived when Sam mentions that Gold Diamond Press will be publishing the book and Isabel mentions being friends with Terry. Trying to play down the praise, Sam tries to discourage Isabel from contacting Terry about the book and eventually admits to lying about the publishing of the book. Upset by Sam’s lie, Isaac leaves the room. Later, Sam finds Isaac and apologizes for lying, admitting that she did it not only for Isaac but also because she finally felt like someone. Isaac and Sam realize that they don’t need the outside world to validate them, and they make up. But fortunately for Isaac, Gold Diamond Publishing saw Sam’s post about the book and decided to publish it after all. Isaac and Sam get to celebrate for real! 


After a long day, Hetty and Trevor find a chance to be alone in the last place any ghosts will bother them. They believe that they were able to act normally in front of everyone and maintain the secrecy of their tryst. But when they decide to take advantage of the privacy, Nancy (Betsy Sodaro) and Nigel enter the room and catch them in the act.


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