
Hayley Law – The New Romantic

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) Please tell us the premise for the film The New Romantic.

A) It’s a coming of age story for Blake, Jessica Barden’s character, more than it being about Sugar Babies because that’s a misconception that the film was getting. I think it’s about finding yourself and the struggles of a millennial young woman.

Q) What made you want to be a part of the movie?

A) I felt like when I read it that all the relationships, especially the relationship with Blake and Nikki, but also all of the relationships seemed (from what I read and definitely how everyone played it) were really real. Even though we were all acting, the relationships that were portrayed were really honest. Especially with Brett’s character Jacob and Blake. I thought their relationship was really cool. It was my second favorite relationship besides mine and Jessica’s. [laughs] Even Avan’s [Jogia] character! He was so funny, and everything didn’t seem forced. The dialogue didn’t seem forced, but it was also really funny. The story was really important and the way that they executed. The whole Sugar Babies and Sugar Daddy storyline I felt was done really well. So, I wanted to be in it.

Q) Was there anything you added to your character Nikki that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) Yeah, Carly [Stone] (the director) said that I brought something that they didn’t expect would be like that. In my mind, I kind of always felt he was going to be like how I did it, but I wanted her to be really caring, but kind of dry. I have a friend how I’m describing so I literally was just thinking of my friend when I was doing or how I would want someone to be to me in this situation. I never wanted to seem mean, bitchy or catty.

Q) Were you familiar with any of your costars other than Camila Mendes?

A) No, I didn’t know anyone. I love everyone now. It was so cool that everyone was so good at their job. But I did tell my friends…Actually, my friend saw I was working with Brett and she was like, “Are you working with Michael?!” I was like, “No, I’m working with Brett.” Then, I realized she was referring to Michael from “Jane The Virgin.” [laughs]

Q) What advice did director Carly Ann Stone offer while filming that you took to heart?

A) She let us improvise a lot and I had never gotten to do that before. Of course, because everything is totally written. You definitely can’t change the story. Carly let us go off and do our own thing, especially the cupcake scene with me and Jessica. We were having some banter for hours. She just trusted us, which was really cool. Having her tell us to just keep going and to just do what we want while the cameras were going to be rolling was really great – having someone trust you.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming?

A) Not the cupcake scene because I ate so many cupcakes I almost threw up! I think I ate like eight of them. I was like, “I can’t eat anymore cupcakes!” Other than that, even though you see me for maybe half a second, the party scene was pretty memorable because it was like five hundred degrees in there. But also it was just funny to watch Brett and Jessica act together. They are both so funny and smart and have good instincts. It was just a good day. Every scene! Every scene was good. There was actually a scene that was cut that was funny. I hope it comes out. I don’t even know if they’re going to be mad that I said that, but there is a scene that isn’t in the movie that was one of my favorite scenes.

Q) What message do you hope viewers take away from watching The New Romantic?

A) I hope that people see that the stories are more common to regular women. I feel like people when they hear “Sugar Babies” or they hear the situation they picture a certain type of person, but nobody is like excluded or nobody is too good to be in any type of situation. Especially with the sex scene between Ian (Timm Sharp) and Blake when she’s telling him no and he just thinks it’s cool and does it anyway. Situations like that are so I swear to God that every friend I’ve talked to has been like, “Oh yeah, I didn’t want to do it, but I just did it because. And the guy thinks it’s cool.” I hope when men watch it they think it’s not cool and they understand the language.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you’ll receive to the film?

A) I am, but it also scares me. But, yeah, I’m excited. I’m excited because I just want to talk about it with people. Once it’s on iTunes and all that stuff, people can watch it right away. I just can’t wait!

Q) We loved seeing you on “Riverdale!” What did you personally take away from working on the series?

A) Lots. The show changed my life. I didn’t think that I could do something like that. So, as soon as I booked that show, I just told myself that I could do anything, literally anything. And every time I doubt myself, I think about the moment I got the call that I booked that show and I go, “Okay, yeah. I can do it.”

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and the work you do?

A) Thank you! I just want to thank everyone. I can’t even believe people give a shit about me. I appreciate it so much. I just love meeting people that follow me. It’s weird and I love it. I appreciate every single person.

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