
Kellan Lutz – 7 Guardians of the Tomb

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) Please tell us the premise for the movie 7 Guardians of the Tomb and about your character Jack Ryder.

A) It’s very much an Indiana Jones meets Arachnophobia movie. There is a lot of action and scary little creatures that run out and jump out at you. My character, Jack, is very much Indiana Jones. He is a pararescuer who finds himself on another mission and then comes across some unlikely little creatures that he really despises. They are kind of like his kryptonite.

Q) Was there anything you added to your character that wasn’t originally scripted for you?

A) That’s the great thing about (director) Kimble [Rendall], he allowed us to bring in our own ideas. With my character, Jack, we wanted to flesh out what kind of superhero he is. Was he from the Army or Navy? When we came across what a pararescuer is and why he would be there…Well, then we also though that Jack would be a superhero we had to give him some sort of kryptonite for his character and that’s why coming across spiders is the one thing that he hates. So, it’s fun to go from this rescue mission and for him to come across spiders and he goes, “Hey! Oh!” It was fun adding that level of levity to the character.

Q) What advice did Kimble Rendall give you during filming that you took to heart?

A) Kimble is just an easy director to work with. He’ll tell you some if some of the changes you are making are working or if they don’t work. I didn’t look to change much, but it’s just fun with the improv and creating the character. There were quite a few times where he said, “I don’t like that. Can you try it the other way?” But for the most part he is just very easy to work with and very trusting.

Q) You always stay in great physical shape, but was there anything in particular you had to do to prep for the stunts for this film?

A) Not necessarily physically. I learned a lot more about face cleaner. We had so much dirt and grime on us for the cave system so to get the hair and the makeup…Because the lighting was so dim, we had layers of dirt and grime put on our face. When you were in the cave system you looked really good, but when you came out and went to lunch and went out into the real world…Man, my face was just so caked on! For the first couple of days, I just couldn’t’ get it all off. I really had to talk to the makeup girl and ask, “What can I do to get all of this off so I can start fresh each day?” So, she gave me a nice little concoction. They were so sweet over there.

Q) Talk about working alongside your castmates, which included acting legend Kelsey Grammer.

A) Kelsey is such a legend to work with. I was able to work with him on The Expendables 3 and got to know him a little bit there. It was such a big cast. I think there was another movie I was supposed to do with Kelsey, but I was just glad to be able to work with him again. I knew we could only do one other movie together because it’d be too much of a “Kelsey and Kelly” combo for a movie. [laughs] So, this one was really great to have him on set. He played a good villain and he’s just a great actor. He stayed around on set and we just asked him tons of questions. I have so many great memories of all of the cast members forming a semi-circle around Kelsey and just asking him questions. He was just very vulnerable and open and just such a great person to work with. He just has so much love to give and is super talented. When the cameras weren’t rolling he was such a funny guy. Him and Shane [Jacobson] – both of them as comedians…Every day we were laughing so hard at the things they would say. Bingbing Li is super talented. I didn’t realize that English wasn’t her first language. So, to do a movie where the language you are speaking isn’t your primary language – hats off to you for doing that! Then, Stef Dawson was a stunning little angel. And Jason [Chong]…We just had a great cast to work with.

Q) What were some of your most memorable moments from filming 7 Guardians?

A) Some of my favorite filming moments were of the sets being built. We had this huge studio and Kimble would just create these sets where you would walk in and go, “This is just so impressive!” Then, obviously the action ones are really great. I really love the jumping scene with the lava with Bingbing Li and myself. Really shooting the movie was so much fun and easy. In between scenes Kimble would hide little plastic spiders all over like in a food tray, on your chair or on your script. It was just so funny how much he wanted to scare us and joke around. It was just fun to be on set.

Q) You are a part of social media. Are you looking forward to the fan feedback you’ll receive to the movie?

A) I just don’t even think about it. I don’t really go on social media too much. I definitely don’t go on to read comments. [laughs] I learned that lesson during the Twilight You get a hundred good comments and then you get one bad one will ruin your day. I just go on social media to speak life, inspire people and share info about my charity work. I hope they enjoy the movie for what it is. It’s a fun little adventure. But I definitely won’t be reading reviews. That’s just not my cup of tea. I just do it because I love to do it, filming movies.

Q) You often take on action/adventure projects. Is there something about this type of genre that draws you to these roles?

A) I just love playing a superhero. I think with action movies, whatever kind they are, you are fighting against an injustice of some sort. That’s always been my nature. I’m such a man of integrity and justice in life. So, to be able to play any sort of protagonist in a film where you are saving the day or righting the wrong or fighting against injustice, I really just gravitate towards those roles.

Q) You mentioned your charity work. What are some upcoming events you’d like to promote?

A) Saving Innocence Project is having their gala in a couple months. That’s all about rescuing kids from sex trafficking.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you, first off. Thank you for all of the love and support. When you see 7 Guardians of the Tomb just enjoy the ride. It’s entertainment so just see it as that. If you are scared of spiders there are going to be some good jump out ones. See it in 3D and just enjoy the ride!

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