
Legacies – There’s a Place Where the Lost Things Go

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By: Atiya Irvin-Mitchell



The episode opens with a dream. Josie (Kaylee Bryant) and Jade (Giorgia Whigham) are in the woods and share a romantic moment only to be interrupted by Dark!Josie. Don’t worry, it’s just as confusing for Josie. Dark!Josie tells herself and Jade that Alaric (Matt Davis) will be angry when she jolts awake.


Later Josie, Lizzie (Jenny Boyd), Rafael (Peyton ‘Alex’ Smith), Hope (Danielle Rose Russell) and MG (Quincy Fousse) are in a group therapy session with Emma (Karen David). Due to the near death experiences Emma wants the gang to do a magical virtual reality exercise. Using an enchanted object they’ll go into a world, play out some storylines and work through their feelings. No one’s really excited about this but Lizzie. However, Emma promises she’ll be there too and ready to pull the plug should things go sideways. Also, Jade is coming too.


The reality their minds go to is a black and white 1940s movie. Think Casablanca. MG’s narrating and decked out in a suit and trench coat. Also, he’s apparently a detective. He ventures to a bar where lost things go.


There are Josie and Lizzie who are an actress and publicist respectively. Rafael is a photographer and Emma is a singer. MG goes to the bar and meets Hope who’s a bartender. He’s looking for his boss Rupert Vardemus (Alexis Denisof). At first Hope isn’t feeling chatty, but after a thinly layered threat about the bar’s liquor license she tells him to talk with Emma.


He goes to Emma’s dressing room and she’s been knocked out. Standing over her is Vardemus who’s calling himself Sherlock Holmes for some reason. And that thing where Emma was dead, not a part of the simulation plan. She’s thrust back into the real world, but the kids are still inside of it.


The simulation’s getting stranger. Vardemus is handcuffed to a chair and MG is telling him he needs help. Apparently he’s got a drinking problem, but Vardemus keeps insisting he’s Sherlock Holmes. They talk about a missing necklace and Vardemus says Emma died of being poisoned. If MG solves the murder, he’ll solve the case.


MG goes back to Hope. She’s pretty suspicious, but can be bribed. Then, we cut to Josie and Lizzie. Lizzie is starring in a horror flick, but she’s not a fan of the material. Also, it seems Vardemus isn’t the only person in this reality with a drinking problem. Raf the photographer shows up on set.


As Josie goes to chase Rafael away MG shows up. He tells Lizzie that someone’s trying to kill her and she faints. When she comes to MG tells her that the poisoned champagne Emma drank was meant for her – it just ended up at the wrong table. But who could want her dead? Lizzie says she can’t imagine anyone caring enough to want to kill her.


At MG’s office Vardemus is reading a book. A word appears in the pages and when he reads it aloud his memory comes back. He turns around expecting MG, but instead we see the silhouette of a person holding a gun. They pull the trigger and the scene fades away.


In the real world Emma is scrambling to understand what went wrong. She’s pouring over the grimoire, but the kids aren’t waking up. Suddenly there’s a banging sound and Vardemus pops out of a cabinet. Apparently, Clarke locked him in there and locked his mind away in the simulation before assuming his identity. Also another problem, the killer in the game was a student.


Back in the simulation MG discovers Vardemus’s body. At the bar Jade is blackmailing Josie. Lizzie’s career was floundering and Josie tried to revive it by making her the target of a murderer. Plus, Josie might’ve put the cyanide in the champagne but only to make Lizzie sick for publicity. Jade, who was in love with Josie, is bent on having her locked up. Josie begs her to have one last drink, which she accepts. She then dies and is thrown back to the real world. MG says he and Josie should talk.


Jade, Emma and Vardemus talk. Vardemus says it’s a bad idea to pull the kids out of the prison world, but there’s still cause for concern. Players being yanked out prematurely means someone is rewriting the rules of the game to get what they want. But who and what could that be?


Hope and Rafael talk and she encourages him to get his film developed to help the police. MG questions Josie and wants to know why she did it, which might not be so straightforward. She’s determined to confess, but didn’t kill Vardemus. Additionally, she told Jade there should not have been enough cyanide in the champagne to kill anyone. Back to the drawing board. Josie explains to MG she thinks it was Lizzie.


Another word appears on a piece of paper and then things take a turn. MG gets shot by an unseen assailant who then shoots Josie and places the gun in her hand.


MG goes to see Lizzie. He avoided death because the flask in his jacket protected against the bullet. It’s Lizzie’s flask and he accuses her of having poisoned the singer. But Lizzie insists she didn’t kill anyone. Just then Lizzie gets her escape word and is relieved that no one’s dead. But, unlike everyone else, she’s not thrown back to the real world. She and MG are still in simulation mode.


Slapping cuffs on Lizzie brings out his safe word, but there’s a problem. MG starts to explain there’s something wrong with the game and then gets shot. He tells Lizzie to go find Hope.


In the real world MG tells Emma that Lizzie is aware it’s a game, but isn’t snapping out of it. Also, Josie died so why isn’t she awake? Meanwhile, Raf is developing his film and makes a discovery that leads to his safeword. But he forgets the discovery as he’s thrust back into the real world.


So, the big bad is Dark!Josie, who explains she’s all of Josie’s repressed anger and resentment with a dash of dark magic. The whole thing has been about the merge. Lizzie thinks Josie wants to kill her, but actually Josie wants to trap Lizzie in the simulation until the merge (which isn’t meant to happen until the twins turn twenty-two for the newbies). As Josie is about to pull the trigger she’s stopped by Hope. They struggle for the gun and Josie is shot. Hope sees her safeword and they’re finally free of the world. Still Josie doesn’t wake up.


MG is doing research on how to help if/when Josie wakes up and Lizzie swings by to talk. The simulation made Lizzie realize she’s been using him and she apologizes. She explains that when things are good for her she ignores him, but when things go wrong she becomes wrong. MG doesn’t want that to stop. MG says that he’s learned he’s not interested in being a sidekick anymore.


Emma and Dorian (Demetrius Bridges) are leaving the school, possibly forever. Emma doesn’t want to bail because she feels The Salvatore School is one of the most amazing place she’s ever been, but it’s also the most dangerous. She doesn’t feel she can tell the students to prioritize their physical and mental health if she doesn’t do that for herself.


Elsewhere, Rafael and Hope talk. Raf is still having some memory issues unfortunately. And Hope worries that the game was trying to tell her something will always come between her and Landon.


Josie wakes up and is in a cell. She’s confused at first but then Lizzie says she knows Josie is full of black magic. Josie’s eyes go demonic black and tells the gang the Dark!Josie is here to stay. Hope tells her she’s going to put her to sleep until they can figure something out, but Josie turns the spell around on her.


Josie tells the group that every super squad needs a super villain and then magically turns off the lights and flies away. But not before setting the school on fire.

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