Interviews - TV

Sofia Vassilieva – A Master of Psyche

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Q.  How did you get involved working with the show “Medium”?

A.  I went on an audition for it and I got the part.  So,  my agent called and said they were looking for a girl.  I went in and I auditioned for it and I got called back and they called and said I had gotten the part.  Then I went and they started shooting for the pilot. 

Q.  What made you want to be a part of this project?

A.  I just loved the script, I thought that it was really, really great.  It was really interesting and that it had a lot of potential and I thought it would something really, really great for me to do. 

Q.  What is a day of filming on the set like for you?

A.  It depends on when it starts depending on when we finish shooting the night before.  I’ll come in at call time and then I’ll go to wardrobe and then I’ll go to hair and makeup.  That takes about anywhere from ten to twenty minutes, then makeup is about five or ten.  Actually, I’ll probably rehearse and then I’ll go to wardrobe, hair and makeup.  Whenever it is twenty minutes before wheny they are setting up shots and the lighting for the next scene I’ll do school. 

Q.  How is it getting to work with the talents of Patricia Arquette and Jake Weber?

A.  Patricia and Jake are just amazing actors and amazing people.  They are both so nice and so kind and so generous.  They are amazing, they are great!

Q.  The show has gotten a lot of media attention, more recently with talking about the 3-D episode on the show “Access Hollywood.”  How do you handle all of this attention?

A.  It was fun, I guess I did the Eloise at Christmastime film and I got a lot of it then so I kind of got used to it.  It was fun, it was a lot of fun, it was great.  I was myself and I just had fun with it. 

Q.  Do you have a most memorable moment from filming “Medium”?

A.  There are so many, just being there on the set when I’m working.  That’s just amazing, getting to be around amazing and extraordinary people is a most memorable moment.  There is not one really in particular.

Q.  The show deals with a lot of serious topics.  How do you handle the dramatic moments?

A.  It is just easier when you read the script, rather than when you see it.  So, when you read the script it’s really, really scary, you are reading it rather than shooting it.  When you’re reading it you’re by yourself and you’re totally freaked out.  But, when you’re shooting it’s a lot easier because there are so many great people, the whole cast and crew.  It’s a lot easier because you’re not alone sitting in your bedroom in the middle of the night reading.  When you’re watching it, that’s scary, sometimes I’ll cover my eyes and close my ears.  If I’m reading it I’ll handle it one way and if I’m shooting it I’ll handle it another and if I’m watching it I’ll handle it a different way.

Q.  What are some of your passions besides acting?

A.  I love to dance, I love ballet, I’ve been doing that since I was three years old.  I love to horseback ride, I love learning new languages.  I speak Russian and French fluently and I’m trying to learn some Farsi and sign language.  Acting is my biggest passion, I think it’s the most amazing thing that could ever be.

Q.  What is your latest obsession?  Are you into any particular sport, book, music groups or activities?

A.  I am not a band person, if you count ballet as a sport I’m really into that.  There isn’t anything in particular, my friends and I will go and see movies that will come out.  We want to go and see Walk the Line and Rent, I want to see that really badly. 

Q.  What would you like to say to your fans and supporters?

A.  I would like to thank them, it’s great to have fans and supporters and I would like to say a big thank you.  Watch the show, it gets better and better and better!  It gets more intense, intense, intense; the show is going to be great this season, absolutely great.  Thank you!

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