
The Flash – The Girl With The Red Lightning

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By: Malasha Parker



With only five seconds left till his execution, Thawne (Tom Cavanagh) gets taunted by his prison guard. He comes in to ask him how it feels to know he’s going to become extinct. Thawne replies, “I guess time will tell.” The guard then administers a high voltage lightning strike to him and tells him that it’s ironic that the same thing that gives him his powers will end him. Two more guards enter to let them know that it is time.


Future Grace (Sarah Carter) is still putting the device she needs for her destruction while Orlin (Chris Klein) tells her they need to stop this plague from spreading. He wants to wipe every metahuman off the face of the planet and tells Future Grace to promise him it will happen. She says it will. He places his hand on her shoulder and says, “It’s time we ensure our legacy.” She looks to the side as her scar starts glowing and summons the dagger to her before she gets up to leave.


Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) is briefing the team on the cryo-atomizer. She tells them that Cicada 2.0 can infect the entire city if she replaces a part in the cryo-atomizer with the cure that she stole and kill more than anything. Sherloque (Tom Cavanagh) mentions that if she had everything she needed then she would have already done it, so they realize that she must be missing something. Barry (Grant Gustin) thinks she’s out looking for whatever she needs to complete her plan. Iris (Candice Patton) suggests that they get the cure to everyone that needs it as soon as possible. Ralph (Hartley Sawyer) doesn’t think it’s a good idea, but nobody else feels the same way. After realizing they don’t have enough, Caitlin goes off to see how much more she can quickly make. Cecile (Danielle Nicolet) says they need to find a distribution location, so Joe (Jesse L. Martin) offers CCPD. Ralph thinks it’ll make CCPD a target, but Iris says it doesn’t matter where they are the metas are all targets. Joe and Cecile leave to go convince Captain Singh (Patrick Sabongui). Sherloque leaves to warn Renee (Kimberly Williams-Paisley) and the rest start tracking Cicada 2.0.


Cisco (Carlos Valdes) shows the rest of the team the satellite core. If the mirror gun works on the core, it should work on the dagger. So, Cisco gives it a try and it works! They can finally destroy Cicada’s dagger and her powers. Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) eerily says, “And we can stop her.” This is alarming to Barry and Iris. They ask if she’s okay because of her red lightning scare, but Nora says that she’s fine and she’s not feeling as negative as she was before. She leaves the room with them still with a concerned look to each other.


Joe and Cecile are trying to convince Singh to let the metas come to CCPD for the cure, but he’s reluctant. Joe tells them that it will take too long at another facility. Singh agrees to it because he sees how much Joe believes in it. He tells them he’ll go down to city hall to brief them on the news and says that Joe is in charge while he is away.


Sherloque runs up on Renee after she’s not been answering his texts because she’s been in the library. She apologizes for not answering and he accuses her of maybe she didn’t want to respond because then she’d have to discuss her secret. She plays coy. Suddenly, Cicada 2.0 makes an appearance and Sherloque sends out a distress alert. They run for cover. As they’re going up the steps, Cicada 2.0 lands in front of them and Sherloque makes this the moment to reveal he knows Renee has powers. She uses her powers to lift a bench when Cicada 2.0 throws the dagger their way. Barry, Nora and Iris see the alert, so XS and Flash rush down. As they’re running XS starts to see what Cicada 2.0 is seeing, causing her lighting to turn red again. When they make it down to Sherloque and Renee, we see Cicada 2.0 is already flying off. Barry calls out Nora’s name when he sees that she’s still sparking with red lighting.


Barry asks Cisco and Ralph if they’ve found anything while they’re now inspecting the crime scene. Cicada 2.0 stole a quantum tunnel converter. She can use it to connect her dagger to the atomizer and all she needs now is a hyper-conduit. Cisco and Ralph leave to go see if they can find it before she does.


Renee and Sherloque sit on the steps. She tells him that she wanted to tell him, but she wasn’t sure how he’d react. He says that he thinks the world of her and nothing will change that. They don’t think Cicada 2.0 will stop.


Iris meets Nora and Barry on the steps to check if they’re okay. Nora tells them that when they were running over she could see through Grace’s eyes. They realize that that is what caused the red lighting. They’re still psychically connected and Nora thinks that this is the way they’ll be able to stop Cicada 2.0. Barry and Iris do not agree with this plan because they just got it out of her. Barry tells her they’ll find another way.


Caitlin is at CCPD administering the cure to metas. Joe is working on the plan of how where the security checkpoints will be placed. Joe seems a little nervous and Cecile asks if he’s good. They turn into the pit and see that the news is running Iris’ Central City Citizen story again. They reported that CCPD is working with S.T.A.R. Labs to administer a cure to metahumans. At that point Joe ponders calling in the night shift, but Cecile is already feeling a strong panic wave and they turn to the elevators to see a room full of people enter.


None of the places they’ve looked at so far has the piece that Cicada needs. Ralph tried to figure out Thawne’s plan. He asks why he would send Nora back only to cause a new Cicada to appear and cause more problems. They tell him to leave it alone, but he asks Nora where the conduit would be in 2049. She says at Sebastian Ollin’s laboratory. Cisco gets offended at hearing this name because of how Ollins acted in college. He finds Ollins and they see that he has the hyper-conduit. Nora says she’ll leave to go get it, but Barry stops her. She protests, but Iris tells her she’ll be much safer at the lab.


Barry rushes down and sees no sign of Cicada 2.0. He goes to look in a suitcase but opens it to see a bomb. He rushes out as the building explodes and he tells the team that the building is gone, so now Cicada 2.0 has everything she needs.


They see that with all the pieces Grace can now use the atomizer to kill everybody in the country. Ralph rolls in a white board to explain something about Thawne’s plan to them. He starts to explain that Grace goes back in time in the future and kills Orlin, but wonders what happens to all of the metas that Orlin killed. He then asks what did she kill Orlin with in the future if she didn’t have the dagger. And lastly, he asks what happens in the timeline where Grace killed Orlin. Barry’s says he may be right but they have to worry about now or they lose everyone. Ralph stares at a picture of the dagger and Cicada 2.0 but leaves with Cisco to go figure something out.


Iris asks if Barry thinks they made the right decision of leaving Nora out. He tells her they’re her parents and it’s their job to protect her. Nora appears in the middle of the room after they leave and goes to find Caitlin’s device that she used to connect to Killer Frost. She hopes it’ll work for her and Grace. The metas are pushing to get the cure but Joe is trying to tame the crowd. He sends some cops to control them and Cecile asks if he’s okay. Sherloque brings Renee in and introduces her. They tell her she can get the cure if she wants and that it will be permanent. While they’re taking two metas start to argue and Joe goes to break it up. Joe starts to get overwhelmed when everyone begins yelling and he tells them he needs a minute. When everything has calmed down, Sherloque looks for Renee but sees that she’s hurriedly getting on the elevator.


Cecile called to tell Barry of the news at CCPD. He tells Iris and then they hear an alert thinking it’s Cicada 2.0, but the see it’s in the building. They run in to see Nota with the device attached o her forehead, eyes glowing read, with red lightning flashing all around her. They try to yell her name but Nora can’t see it hear them. She does see a few visions of what Grace is seeing though. Barry runs and dodges the red lighting to catch her after removing the device. She’s unconscious.


Barry and Iris ask Nora what she was thinking. She says she understands what was going on but she wants to help and she was careful not to put her location in her eye line. She says she can’t stand around and do nothing, but Barry disagrees and tells her she can because that’s what they’re telling her to do. She tells them that when she first came to them she always rushed into things without thinking or knowing a pan first, but she’s changed. Iris tells her this is a horrible idea yet Nora says she’s an adult capable of making her own decisions. She’s made up her mind and she asks them to stop keeping her away and hop her face it. She leaves the room.


Cecile find Joe after getting off the phone to see what he’s doing. She tells them that people are overwhelmed and the people need him. Joe says he’s not cut out for what’s going on now and he doesn’t think he can handle it at this capacity. Cecile reminds him of times that many people like Barry and Iris came to him do help and all he needs is his heart to help.


Sherloque finds Renee on a bench. She apologizes for running away. When Sherloque tells her she can go to S.T.A.R. Labs for the cure, she declines saying that she doesn’t want to get rid of her powers. She tells him that she wants to live life on her terms as a metahuman. He says he’s just worried about Cicada 2.0 killing all the metas on this earth. He then realizes he can send her to a different earth and tells her she can’t tell anyone what’s going on because he doesn’t want Cicada 2.0 to find out. She asks him to come with her, but he says he wants to stay with his S.T.A.R. Labs family. He tells her that he’ll come find her when things are done and the two share a kiss before Sherloque opens the portal and sends her off.


Barry and Iris tell Nora that she was right. They taught her to be a hero so they shouldn’t be upset when she wants to be one. They tell her they can’t hold her hand through all of it. They ask her if she really thinks she can control her connection with Nora and she says she believes so – all she needs is their home safe while she does it. Barry says he thinks he knows how and takes them to the trap they used for Eobard.


Cisco and Ralph have joined them so that they can get the trap ready for Nora to get in it. Iris tells Nora that she and Barry will be there the whole time and Nora says, “You always are.” She looks at them and then gets ready to go into the trap so that they can catch their big bad.


Joe yells over CCPD to get everyone’s attention. He tells them he knows what it’s like to be afraid and overwhelmed. He explains that with some patience they will get through it together. Cecile smiles on at him as he does so.


They turn the trap on for Nora and she says she’s connected and she an see the atomizer. Grace catches on to what Nora’s doing and it makes the red lightning start to flair up more. She drags Nora in and Nora tells her she can’t let her do this because thousands will die. Grace says the world she wakes up in will have people with powers destroying families. Grace starts getting angrier and the red lightning gets worse but Iris tells them to keep Nora in. Grace starts knocking things inside the hospital room vision over and tells Nora that it’s her family’s fault for everything, including the particle accelerator explosion. Nora tells her it’s not her anger it’s Grace’s and she may look different but she’s still the angry little girl. She explains to Grace that she’s decided not to be like her and Nora breaks her trap to see the CCPD parking lot sign. She falls out and tells them where Grace is.


Cicada 2.0 slams into CCPD and immediately takes the meta’s powers to supercharge her device. Everyone runs out of the building as Cicada 2.0 inserts the dagger into the atomizer.


Nora tells them Cicada 2.0 is going to take all of the metas’ life matter and Barry realizes she’s using it to power the device. Barry says he’s going to breach the atomizer to earth-15. Nora gives him the blaster after she decides to stay back. Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) runs in and blast Cicada 2.0 after she’s been trying to kill the officers. Barry rushes in and grabs Joe. Flash, Killer Frost and Elongated Man try to keep Cicada 2.0 away from Vibe as he tries to stop the atomizer. The team is helping him through the comms. Cicada 2.0 wakes up and tells them she doesn’t need the dagger to kill them and then blasts them all around the building. Her and Killer Frost begin to fight. Nora tells Vibe he has a quantum computer he can use to hack the atomizer so he can override the system. She give him her gauntlet from her suit. Vibe successfully gets it before Cicada 2.0 can get to him. Before she can kill Vibe, we see Flash hits her and knocks her to the side. Killer Frost slides him the mirror gun, but as it’s going across the floor Ralph starts to remember something about the dagger and Thawne.


We flash to Thawne smiling in his final moments in the cell to reveal the dagger attached to his chest. Ralph says, “The dagger is Thawne’s plan,” and runs towards Flash to tell him not to shoot. Unfortunately, it’s too late.

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