
Xana – babyblue

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?

A) My music is rooted in pop and explores other subgenres through that lens, like rock, country, alternative, etc. I’d say my music stands out with the confessional lyrics and emotion I pour into it.

Q) Who are some of your musical influences?

A) So many women – Halsey, Taylor Swift, Ryn Weaver, Gracie Abrams, Fletcher, Maggie Rogers, Donna Missal…I could keep going.

Q) You often incorporate themes of LGBTQ romance and female empowerment in your music. Why are these such important topics for you to highlight?

A) It’s so important for people to have representation in art and media to feel a sense of belonging, community and hope. As someone who didn’t have a lot of queer spaces to turn to growing up, it’s the honor of my life to be able to give people something so validating that I missed out on in my formative years. Nothing makes me happier than knowing my music and art is touching people’s hearts and changing their lives for the better, simply by just being my unapologetic self and talking about my life experiences and feelings.

Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “babyblue.”

A) I wrote “babyblue” when I was deeply feeling the disconnection between myself and my friendships from my childhood and teenage years. Part of that was due to COVID, the time we spent isolated felt like it made it harder to come back together, but a big part of that was simply growing up. I was still living in my hometown at the time and some of my friends had moved away for school or for love, others I naturally grew apart from over the years. It’s so strange going from being glued at the hip to now watching the highlights of their lives unfold on Instagram stories. I guess growing up means a thousand subtle moments that go hardly noticed that accumulate into big life changes, causing you look around like “Wait, where did you go? Where did I go? How did this happen? I hope you’re well.” So, I wanted to capture that in a song because that’s how I move through these feelings. It’s a love song for the people who held me during my youth.

Q) What is it about “babyblue” that makes it such a great Summer 2023 jam?

A) One of my favorite kinds of song to create is the kind that when you listen to it, you can’t help but move your body and dance and you feel good, but when you listen to the lyrics, you realize how sad they are. Now you’re moving your body while feeling those big feelings and that’s such a cathartic way to process those tougher pills to swallow. You’re literally moving through the feelings. So, this summer we’re driving with the windows down, dancing and laughing, and also holding space for our feelings!! Hot (healthy) girl summer!

Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?

A) It’s different all the time. Sometimes lyrics come first, sometimes music. In this case it was the night before a session with my producers and I was playing around on my guitar, thinking about my friends that I missed, particularly one with beautiful light blue eyes. And I just started writing “baby blue was always your color” I could hear in my head exactly how I wanted it to sound and I knew the feelings I wanted to convey. Sweet nostalgia, the happiness you feel when looking back at good memories with good people, the soft pang in your chest when you realize how much time has passed since you’ve made them laugh. I finished writing the song the next day and we had the demo by the end of that session. The lyrics were very honest and easy to write, it all just poured out onto the page. The bridge of “babyblue” is one of my favorite things i’ve written, and I love playing it live.

Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?

A) I have a very clear vision of how I want my music to sound and feel and my producers, Liam Moes and Shane Stephenson, are amazing at capturing that vision and knowing exactly what I’m hearing in my head. They are always so eager to try really weird, big ideas which I’m so thankful for because I have those a lot. [laughs] And when I’m stuck, they know how to push me through it. They are impressively talented, and I feel so lucky I get to learn from them.

Q) What can fans expect from a live Xana performance?

A) I would say it is a very emotional experience and you’re gonna feel a lot, whether it be feeling sexy, angry, heartbroken or powerful and lots of energy to back it up. And drama! Oh god, I’m so dramatic when I play my songs. Lots of girls in the crowd. Like so many perfect girls. And probably me cracking a bad joke at least once.

Q) Are there any exciting plans coming in the near future?

A) I’m so happy to say I’m playing at a couple festivals this summer! Rifflandia in Victoria BC on Sept 8th and the Dinah Shore in Palm Springs on Sept 24th! I can’t wait to be on a stage singing with everyone again. We’ve been rehearsing and creating the perfect set, they’re gonna love the show. See you soon!!!!

Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?

A) Although I have some festivals and more shows coming this year, I’ve only played a couple shows so far and I could not have been happier with them. I played for Vancouver in April and the whole crowd was so hyped and kind and singing every word so loud. We had a stupid amount of fun together, and everyone at the front was reaching up at me, and I remember thinking “What are they reaching for? What do they need?” It took me a minute to recognize their pure excitement and love for the songs I was playing. When I say I can’t wait for the shows coming…that’s an understatement.

Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?

A) I love Upsahl so much as an artist and a performer and I would be over the moon happy to work with her one day! Here’s to hoping, with my crystals in hand.

Q) What artist/musician are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?

A) G Flip just released “The Worst Person Alive” and when I tell you I literally can’t stop listening to it…It scratches such a good itch in my brain. I’ve admired G Flip for years now. Their energy radiates through their art and gives me such a positive, exciting feeling and that is a sign of a true, brilliant artist and person. I can’t wait to see them play at Dinah Shore this year!

Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?

A) My fans are some of the kindest, funniest little gremlins on earth, so other than simply enjoying their sweet presence on my little apps, being able to connect with people through my art is such a rewarding, uniquely comforting feeling because I know that that sense of understanding and feeling seen is a two way street. That is definitely a connection that I strive to nurture in any and all ways possible. I want my listeners to feel seen, less alone, and always appreciated.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?

A) Thank you for being here, listening and showing up. :’) I hope we experience many worlds of emotion, fantasy and love together for a long, long time.

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