
Kelly Morgan – I Remember PT2

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By: Sammi Turano



Q) What’s the inspiration behind your new song, “I Remember PT2?”


A) I would say the inspiration behind “I Remember” is to remember the good times, but at the same time see it for what it’s worth! It’s a bittersweet record. It’s based on Remembrance.


Q) What kind of fan response have you been receiving to the track? 


A) Alot of fans seem to love the record!! They will say, “I love your voice in it!!” Some have said this is fire!! [laughs] Some say it’s very relatable that they went through what the song is about !! Heartwarming comments 💖


Q) What was it like working with producer 7 Aurelius for your new song?


A) It was a very eye-opening amazing experience working with 7 Aurelius!! I learned a lot during that process!! I felt very honored!! I listened to a lot of his songs growing up so it was soooo cool!!


Q) When did you first know you wanted to be a singer songwriter?


A) I knew I wanted to be a singer songwriter when I was a little girl. When I sing or write it gives me this happiness inside, I love to sing!! I knew the moment me and my grandmother would sing together.


Q)  Where are some of your favorite places to write music?


A) Some of my favorite places to write music is wherever I’m not thinking about it. Wherever I go I like to write. I draw inspiration from my life or peoples’ lives!!


Q) What do you usually do to combat writers block?


A) I go out and draw inspiration from around me.


Q) Will you be performing anywhere in the near future?


A) More shows coming soon.


Q) Who would be your dream artist to open for?


A) Definitely Janet Jackson or Beyoncé


Q) Do you have a full album or EP coming next? What’s next for you?


A) Yes, an EP body of work is coming for sure!! And I’ll be featured in two TV shows that I’m in the process of filming.


Q) What would you like to say to fans and supporters of the music that you make?


A) I want to say thank you to the fans and supporters!! You guys keep me more motivated than you guys know!! I want to continue to inspire you to be great at whatever you do and that with hard work you can be what you envision!! Love u guys!! Thank you for being the mic stand to my microphone!!


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