
Liddy Clark – Austin

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By: Jamie Steinberg




Q) How would you describe your sound?  

A) It’s a big blend of everything I listen to – West Coast chill indie pop with a dash of country/folk!

Q) Who are some of your musical influences?  

A) I have a ton! My favorites are John Mayer, Taylor Swift, Phoebe Bridgers and early Ed Sheeran.

Q) You went to the USC Thornton College of Music. What lessons there did you really take to heart and have carried with you through the years?  

A) There was so much I learned from USC, but I think my favorite thing about the program was how passionate everyone is about music. It really makes you want to put the same amount of work in and really fulfill all of the potential you have.

Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Austin.”  

A) I wrote this song about a boy from Austin who I knew a few years ago. We had talked about his plans to move away from the city because he hated what he was becoming there, but when I looked him up a few years later he was still in Austin. I wrote this song about hoping that one day he would leave and become the best version of himself.

Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?  

A) I’ve had a lot of folks tell me that they’re in the process of graduating and leaving their hometowns and this song helps motivate them to do that! It can be really scary to make a big change like that and I’m glad this song can speak to so many people who want to become their best selves.

Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?  

A) It really depends! Sometimes I’ll randomly come up with a set of lyrics or a title, and sometimes the melody will come first and that will inspire lyrics that match the mood of it.

Q) How much of a hand do you have in the production of your music?  

A) Quite a lot actually, and I used to not really be involved at all. But with this new album, I’ve been working with my producer (Mark Siegel) and sending him tons of reference tracks while also approving each step of the process. It’s truly the exact record I want to put out.

Q) Will there be a full album or EP coming in the near future?  

A) Full album babyyyyy! I’ve put out a ton of singles and we’re planning on releasing the rest as singles as well, so the album will be coming by early next year.

Q) You have performed at the Country Music Hall of Fame, the iconic Bluebird Cafe, etc. Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?  

A) I loved performing at the CMHOF. It was probably my favorite place I’ve ever performed. There’s just something about the history there that makes it so unique (and also the fact that I went on before Garth Brooks).

Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?  

A) I would love to collaborate with Alec Benjamin or Julia Michaels. I think their songwriting is so unique to them & would fit really well with my stuff!

Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them?  

A) I’m absolutely loving the new Harry Styles record. He’s always got such a unique production style and I’ve supported him fully since One Direction (#DirectionerForLife).

Q) You have over 550K followers on social media! Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?  

A) It’s important because it lets me know how people feel about the music! The connection between them is so key to why I do music in the first place. I want to feel like other people understand me and I understand them. We’re a great community for people to come together and just feel everything.

Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?  

A) You are the best and I love you with all of my heart, truly. It means the world to me that you connect with my music and I’m going to put so much more out soon!



Watch The Video for “Austin”

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