
Pamungkas – Solipsism

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By: Jamie Steinberg



Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) Combination of Analog and synthesizer Digital, especially for ambience.


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) The Beatles, Maggie Rogers, Radiohead, Oasis, Beach Boys


Q) What are some themes you explore on your new album Solipsism?


A) The theme is about self-confidence, same as the title Solipsism – the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist. So, the album talks about my own ideas towards so many things. I wanted to put out a set of songs that can mean anything for anybody. Since we’re living in a modern time with internet social media everybody has their own private corner in their thoughts, Solipsism is mine.


Q) How did the isolation of COVID-19 inspire your creative process for this album?


A) Isolation makes us learn to independently survive to live our lives alone. With this atmosphere of solitude, it is really inspiring to explore more about ourselves, writing from personal experience. The album brings to the forefront the thoughts that many chose to hide and keep to themselves. I strived to create an album that is very personal but still contains ideas that his listeners can still identify with.


Q) Which of the eleven songs on the album hold a special place in your heart and why?


A) “Live Forever” – The level of acceptance I had to reach as a songwriter to be able to write this song is very high. The song is like a combination of parts I never finished. Like a puzzle, it took me a long time to get it right. I still don’t think it’s finished yet, but that’s what I love about songwriting – the never-ending process. Lyrically and musically, I think this song speaks about bravery and freedom but also humbleness and hope.


“Intentions” – This song is the first song that was recorded on my third album. Probably this is the sound of the album and it’s funny how out of two released albums before Solipsism, I never wrote something from a D chord. So, safe to say this is my first D chord song. Lyrically, it’s also my first time using a pure “I love you” in lyrics. It’s a cute song I’d say.


Q) Talk about the process for deciding to open yourself up to the US market?


A) Actually, I would love to share my music with everyone as much as we can. Somehow in early January 2020, there was a major label from the US that contacted us. They said that they loved my music and that they found on YouTube and were interested in what I had coming up next. That moment was when we felt that we should have more confidence and that we can try to break into another territory. 


Q) What is your songwriting process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) Usually, music always comes first, and for these past three years I would make time that was specifically “me time” for about two to three weeks to write the lyrics. So, I took a holiday. I usually go to Bali alone. I try to take back all the memories that I had, base it on my experiences and also have discussions with close friends that I have and then put those into the lyrics. I just try to put some different values on each track that I put on the album.  


Q) How much of hand do you have in the production of your music?


A) Did you mean some help from the others? Almost zero. Because I do A to Z for my music. But before going to that process, I always do some research, asking some experts and learning from the internet. After that I go to the writing process, arrangement, production, mixing and mastering all by myself. I even design my own album artwork.


Q) What do you hope listeners take away from listening to this new album as a whole?


A) Especially for this third album, I really want them to be able to interpret the music and lyrics for themselves and apply it to their own experiences. We’re living in a modern time with the internet and social media, but everybody still has their own private corner in their thoughts. So, Solipsism is the exploration of myself, but still contains ideas that my listeners can still identify with.


Q) Where are some of your favorite places to perform and what makes those locations so significant to you?


A) Maybe Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta is the first time I played with the full band outside my own city, Jakarta. And at that time the response was very amazing. The crowd seemed to really love and had an appreciation for the music. And somehow every time we play at Yogyakarta, something special always comes up. 


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Still don’t know yet.


Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them? 


A) Taylor Swift – Folklore. She has a unique theme about breaking up urban stories on her new album. Something new and special. 


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) Actually, I’m not a fan of social media, I would rather prefer a good relationship. It means really meet each other and have a discussion or just laughing because it’s more real. But the first time we release the first album, almost all of the traditional media rejected my music. So, because our spirit is always “move on” (same with my first album Walk the Talk), we are using social media to create content and communicate our value to everyone. And we really grateful that we got a good response and fans shared my post on their timeline. So, because I’m a musician, then what I share on social media is value about my music. That’s all. I just really hope that the value can be inspiring and inspired.   


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) Thank you so much. We are just nothing without your support. I appreciate how much you support my music. I never asked for fame and all the numbers game. All I ever care about is just to be able to play and write music and that is all. All I ever care about is just to keep going, moving forward, riding the wave and it’s been a very busy three years. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without all of you. Please be who you really are, stay kind, speak only truth, love deeply, get grounded and walk your talk.




Listen to the Music of Solipsism


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