
XHOANA X – The Villain

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By: Jamie Steinberg




Q) How would you describe your sound?


A) Downtempo, emotive, emotional with a hint of psycho. [laughs]


Q) Who are some of your musical influences?


A) Bowie, Nirvana, Portishead, NIN, Massive Attack, etc.


Q) Talk about the story behind your new song “Deepest Pleasure.”


A) My producers played me a fucked up beat, so I decided to write a fucked up song. I didn’t hold back. I never do. It’s a mood, an attitude. A fucked-up-ted-ness with no boundaries. Our dark side with no hold-back. That’s “Deepest Pleasure.”


Q) What do you think it is about the song that fans connect to?


A) At one point or another we’ve all embraced our dark side, whether we chose to fully express it or not. So, if you’ve ever felt or thought of things that would make you a villain, then you’ll definitely get and or vibe with “Deepest Pleasure.”


Q) How does the video for the track play into the message behind it?


A) When I wrote the treatment for the video, I meant the story as a vendetta on a snitch and (playing the villain) I had to have some fun first before “killing the bitch.” My sister played my partner in crime in the video and my brother-in-law volunteered to play the snitch. He’s an amazing human. Never a snitch! [laughs]


Q) What is your song writing process? Do you need music before you can create lyrics?


A) I don’t have a set one. Sometimes I start with lyrics, sometimes with melody, then lyrics and sometimes I write to a track or while a track is being built.


Q) How much hand do you have in the production of your music? 


A) I’m always hands on. I know what I like and what sparks ideas for me. What takes me to that place. The producers/co-writers I work with, we’re always on the same page. That makes writing fun and exciting, therapeutic and cathartic.


Q) What are some themes you explore on your new EP The Villain?


A) Love, relationships, loss, betrayal, melancholy, freedom, the darkness in ourselves we try to repress and embracing it all.


Q) What songs on the EP hold a special significance to you and why?

A) “C A S T L E” is the special one in this EP. It’s the most meaningful one. (It’s also the only song on the EP I only co-wrote with Jim Kaufman. The rest were co-written/co-produced with Joey Ariemma as well as Jim). He played me this beautiful melancholy piano piece he’d written years ago. We got to writing and before we knew it, we had “C A S T L E.” We did this writing session the day before the three-year anniversary of my father’s passing, so it is dedicated and written about my father. I’ve read some comments saying that the song sounds like it’s about reminiscing on a toxic relationship and, of course, music is open to interpretation and I’m glad people are finding their own story in “C A S T L E,” but I wrote it from memories through a child’s eyes. Innocent memories of me missing my father and things I wish I’d given him while he was alive.


Q) What songs were the most challenging for you to write or finetune? 


A) Somehow this EP didn’t have any of that, thank god. We lost the scratch vox on “Slow & Steady,” strangely but I remembered the melody which is only a good sign (if I haven’t made a voice memo).


Q) What do you hope listeners take away from checking out The Villain?


A) Vibes, moods, feels. Ya know, the good stuff.


Q) With concerts currently on hold, do you have any plans for livestreaming performances to promote the EP?


A) YES, I would love to do some of that as soon as I’m back in the states. I thought I could get some work done while in Mexico, but unfortunately mid-Dec lockdown hasn’t fully lifted yet here. I’m not complaining, though. I’ve been here two months now and I’m enjoying some R&R away from the states.


Q) Who would you most like to collaborate with on a song in the future?


A) Massive Attack, GASHI, Post Malone, The Weeknd, LDR & PLAZA.


Q) What album/band are you currently listening to and why do you dig them? 


A) My fellow Albanian, GASHI. I love his energy and the 80s vibe of his last album is so dope.


Q) You are a part of social media. Why is that such an important way for you to connect with your fans?


A) I feel that for every artist it’s a direct voice, but especially important if you’re an independent artist doing it all on your own still. It’s how you connect with who is buying, streaming and listening to your music. They can reach you and vice versa. It’s hard sometimes cuz artists are introverted and want to keep a certain mystery, but unfortunately only a few can get away with that, like Frank Ocean, but he’s Frank Ocean. [laughs] If I wasn’t doing music I’d be off grid for sure, though I’m glad to make use of it, since I have to.


Q) What would you like to say to everyone who is a fan and supporter of you and your work?


A) THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart: every share, mention, private message telling me that you’re loving the music means so much to me. I deeply appreciate all of you.


Watch The Video For “Deepest Pleasure”


Listen to EP The Villain on Spotify


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